A Christian is not allowed to despair or to crumble. His houses may fall, his riches be lost, but he watches and continues to struggle against every adversity. The lazy minds that squat along the sides of easy street are frightened by the thought of a struggle. But Christianity will continue to exist so long as faith in the Resurrection exists. The Resurrection of Christ inserts us into Christ and into His life. This obliges us to never despair. It gives us the secret for being lifted from every fall. Lent is like an examination of conscience through which we can consider what is swirling around in the bottom of our souls and of our society where the misery of a Christianity that has become routine for so many has lost the its momentum, like a sail without wind. The Resurrection of Christ must be the reason for the rebirth of our faith, hope and love: the victory of our actions over the tendencies that are negative. Easter teaches us to overcome these funerary passions in order to be reborn. It invites each of us to be reborn in a unity of affection with our neighours and with all peoples, in harmony and in good works, so as to establish ourselves within God’s Kingdom.

This is translated into social order through authority, laws and penalties that act in favour of men and rise up to the heavens but by way of the earth. It is ordered according to the divine order. Its law is the Gospel and involves unity, solidarity, equality, paternity, social service, justice, truth, reason, struggle against oppression, hatred, error and stupidity. Seeking the Kindgom of God, therefore, means seeking the happiest conditions for the life of society and of the individual.

And this is understandable, for wherever God reigns, man is a son of God, infinitely valuable. He treats others as brothers. He does to others as he would have them do to him. And his brothers do likewise. In a gesture that is utterly fraternal the goods of the earth are put in common. Love and pardon begin to flow and barriers no longer apply that no longer have the sense of universal love.

Whoever seeks first the kingdom of man, pursues a good that is subject to rivalry and contestation. But the divine objective raises men higher than the level of their quarrels and unites them in love. Then, in that unification, in that vision from above of the things of the earth, such matters as eating, clothing and enjoyment resume their proper proportions, they are coloured with new meaning and are simplified in love – and you have a full life. Also in this sense, Christ has conquered the world for us.    

Igino Giordani, Le Feste, Società Editrice Internazionale (S.E.I.), Turin, 1954.


  • Como são enriquecedoras estas reflexões de Foco! Ao mesmo tempo aprofundam em nós o compromisso com a vivência da nossa fé.
    Que nesta Páscoa as sugestões de Foco nos ajudem!
    Maria de Fátima (Assunta)

  • Ieri sera all’incontro della Parola di Vita, si stava scivolando sul pessimismo quando mi sono ricordata di avere con me questo scritto di Igino Giordani. L’ho letto e subito l’aria è cambiata e la serata è stata un crescendo di positività che ci ha “rifatti nuovi”. grazie Igino.

  • Muito oportuna e alentadora a mensagem de Igino Giordani; nos trás alento para a vida e esperança na ressurreição, além de nos recolocar diante do nosso eu e da sociedade.

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