«If I should have to leave this world today and you were to ask me for a single word, one last word that sums up our Ideal, I would say – certain of being perfectly understood – ‘Be a family’.

Are there among you those who are suffering spiritual or moral trials? Understand them as a mother and more than a mother would, enlighten them with your words or example. Do not leave them alone; indeed, surround them with the warmth of a family.

Are there among you those who are suffering physically? They should be your preference. Suffer with them. Seek to understand their sufferings in depth. Share with them the fruits of your apostolic endeavors so that they may realize that they, more than others, contributed to its success.

Are there those who are dying? Imagine yourself in their place and do all that you would want others to do to you, to the very last instant.

Are there those who are happy because of a particular achievement or for any other reason? Share in their happiness, so that their consolation may not be saddened and their heart closed, but that the joy may be of all.

Play this video in the original language (Italian)

“Are some people leaving? Let them go, but first fill their heart with this one heritage: a sense of the family, so that they may bring it to their future destination.

Never put any kind of activity– neither spiritual, nor apostolic – before the spirit of being a family with the brothers or sisters with whom you live.

And wherever you go to bring the ideal of Christ, […] you can do nothing better than to seek to create with discretion, with prudence, but with determination, the spirit of a family. It is a humble spirit, it wants the good of the others, it is not proud… in short, it is charity, true, complete charity.

In conclusion, if I should have to leave you, I would have Jesus in me repeat to you: ‘Love one another… so that all may be one‘».

 Chiara Lubich (La dottrina spirituale – Città Nuova Ed. pp.92-93)

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