• Thank you Maria Voce (Emmaus). Thank you so much for what you are doing in bringing the work started by Chiara forward. Indeed most of us think that our fulfillment is in material things and our careers or even family. Thank you for bringing this point home that our real fulfillment is doing the Will of God. You are a very good example. Thank you, thank you and thank you.

  • Che bello! che gratitudine a Dio per il carisma Suo meso in luce!
    Vorrei dire:Beati quelli che hanno gli occhi aperti e riconoscono l’agire di Dio oggi nel mondo.

  • ¡Qué hermoso!

    La Universidad «de» Mons. Mcgrath -Arzobispo emérito de Panamá e ilustre religioso de la Congregación de la Santa Cruz- premia a nuestra Maria Voce / Emaús, con el Doctorado Honoris Causa en Derecho…

    Seguramente él, desde el Cielo, se alegra con Chiara de este gesto; él que tanto nos amó y que abrió -de par en par- las puertas de la Arquidiócesis de Panamá a los Focolares…

    ¡Que Dios nos conceda vivir, de modo que Su presencia invada nuestro pequeño país y el mundo entero!

    • Thanks what a beauty to witness the love of God day by day. The most important when things is to be faithful in small things and God gives us the rest. After having followed God and remaining faithful to Him the reward comes! Thanks Emmaus for your leadership full of wisdom and understanding

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