Chiara Lubich and the great attraction of present times

On the 10th anniversary of Lubich’s passing away, a review of the social significance of the charism of unity.

ChiaraLubichMarch 14, 2018 marks the 10th anniversary of Chiara Lubich’s passing away. Focolare communities throughout the world will commemorate this anniversary through a varied number of events that mark the charism’s contribution to social change.

A 360º overview of the social dimension of Chiara Lubich’s charism will be presented through an artistic event scheduled for March 3, at the Mariapolis Centre, Castel Gandolfo, Rome.

For Chiara Lubich, the greatest attraction of modern times was «to penetrate to the highest contemplation while mingling with everyone, one person alongside others». Sergio Zavoli, who was a very close friend of Chiara, defined her as a mystic of unity between heaven and earth. While speaking about the change she brought about in trinitarian mysticism, he said: «Allowing God to dwell in the intimacy of one’s soul is making him live among men through communication between – I repeat her words – God in me and God in my brother. It is not by chance that Chiara Lubich’s thought appeals to us to put together the fragments of the inseparable, that is man, and to recompose the fractures of what is shareable, that is the community».

Since the very beginning of Lubich’s experience in her native city of Trent, the social change that stemmed from her thought, gave rise to initiatives that have a very strong social hallmark. Today, these actions and works are found practically in all the world; they have the characteristics of each region and culture and they seek to give an anwer to specific situations of individuals, groups and communities in need.

Press release – February 26, 2018

«Chiara’s charism of unity, instigator for social transformation»

Maria Voce: «Chiara Lubich’s charism, driver of social change»

Jesús Morán: «Chiara Lubich’s prophetic vision for society»


SIF – Focolare Information Service

Charism and Institution in Ecclesial Movements and Communities

A Study Day on today’s theological and canonical aspects of Ecclesial Movements and Communities will be held in Rome, on January 18, 2018. It is being organized by the Evangelii Gaudium Centre of the Sophia University Institute, under the patronage of the Italian Canonistic Association.


Pentecoste 2013 - Foto:
Pentecost 2013 – Photo:

“Charism and Institution in Ecclesial Movements and Communities” is the title for the Study Day to be held on January 18, 2018 at the Sala dei Cento Giorni in Palazzo della Cancelleria, situated in Corso Vittorio Emmanuele II, Rome. Maria Voce will open the day’s programme with a word of welcome on behalf of the Movements and Communities organizing the event, while Card. Kevin Farrell will do the introduction. During the morning session, Mgr. Piero Coda, Mgr. Luis Navarro, Fr. Gianfranco Ghirlanda S.J. and Bishop Christoph Hegge will deliver talks. Card. Francesco Coccopalmerio will be the moderator. The afternoon session will be dedicated to questions made by the Movements and Communities promoting the Study Day and to views shared by Prof. J.M. Bahns and Prof. E. Di Bernardo, “confronting canonists”.


Press release

Programme (in italian)

Speech by Maria Voce on behalf of the Movements and Communities organizing the event


SIF – Focolare Information Service

Inauguration of the International Patriarch Athenagoras – Chiara Lubich Chair of Ecumenical Studies at the Sophia University Institute, Loppiano, on December 14, 2017

The inaugural address was made by His Eminence Gennadios Zervos, Metropolitan of Italy and Malta, who spoke about “Patriarch Athenagoras and Chiara Lubich, protagonists of unity”.

flyerThis Chair of Ecumenical Studies, unique in the international academic and cultural scene, is being founded 50 years after the first meeting between Patriarch Athenagoras I and Chiara Lubich.

When one thinks of the political, social and religious instability experienced in nearby countries, in the Middle East and in the Mediterranean region, this Chair assumes cultural and social relevance on an international level. It is meant to offer young people opportunities of study and research, whereby Europe can be made to breathe with its “two lungs”.

Its main objectives are: studying the cultural significance of the ecumenical journey towards full unity among Churches, revising its historical stages and examining its existential and social implications through the exchange of spiritual, theological and cultural riches of Christians both in the East and West. Furthermore, it aims at offering space and academically qualified courses to train those interested in promoting unity between the Orthodox and the Catholic Church through thought, dialogue and life, and thus contribute towards the encounter between peoples and cultures.

Academic Year Programme 2017/2018 (Italian)

Pope Francis’ message

Message of the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I

Maria Voce’s message

Inaugural address by Gennadios Zervos (italian)


SIF – Focolare Information Service

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