On Sunday, 19th June, 2022, the new website of the Igino Giordani Centre will go online. The site is dedicated to this writer and politician, co-founder of the Focolare. Alberto Lo Presti told us that it is a completely revamped space, where you can meet “Foco” and get to the heart of his life.

“Once someone said that if, by chance, all the Gospels disappeared from the earth, Christians should be such that, just by looking at their lives, the Gospel could be rewritten. Igino Giordani was that kind of Christian.” The words of Chiara Lubich, in describing the extraordinary figure of Igino Giordani (to whom she gave the name of Foco), allow us to grasp the beauty that lies behind the adventure of one who is considered a co-founder of the Focolare Movement.

Hero of the last century, engaged on various fronts, from political, to social, to cultural, Giordani is still relevant today. The Igino Giordani Centre, founded by Chiara Lubich, will launch its new website on 19th June 2022 to showcase and protect his legacy. Alberto Lo Presti, at the helm of the Centre, told us about it.

Prof. Lo Presti, where did the idea of creating a new site dedicated to Igino Giordani come from and what is new about it?
We live in a challenging era from many points of view: peace and war, justice and inequalities, migration and welcome, work and unemployment… and since Igino Giordani has dealt with these issues with wisdom and inspiration, there are many people searching through his speeches, writings and testimonies, to find a light that might guide them in their current choices. This is why we decided to improve the website, completely renewing it, adapting it with the latest graphics and functionality. In this way we will give access, to those who are interested, to the main sources that illustrate his thought and life.

How can the person of Foco make his way into the present day and be an inspiration also for the new generations?
At the venerable age of 70+, Igino Giordani was considered a “myth” by many young people and teenagers who frequented the gardens of the International Centre of the Focolare Movement in Rocca di Papa (Italy), and came across him, sitting on a bench. They loved to spend time with him, to talk about serious matters or simply to share what they were living. Today, young people still need myths and heroes and often look for them in the most unlikely places (sports, cinema, video games, social media, influencers). To get to know Igino today, means getting to know the story of a real hero, who really had to go to war, who really chose peace, who really challenged the people in power to remain consistent with their ideals. Usually it is thought that youth is the time of ideals, which then with adulthood, are destined to collapse. Igino remained young to the last because, as he loved to say, “You never get old in the spirit”. Exploring his experience means listening to his teaching: living for the ideal of unity was the most exciting thing that happened to him.

And alongside the improved functionality of the site and its new graphic layout, there is also a new Instagram page, already online, the first official channel entirely dedicated to Igino Giordani (Igino_giordani_official), to facilitate access to him, a citizen of the world and a real influencer of our time.

Maria Grazia Berretta


  • Carissimo Foco , quante grazie mi hai dato da quando ti ho conosciuto. sei stato la mia via, la verità e l’amore a Dio e ai fratelli. Sono un tuo concittadino, innamorato della giustizia e santità. Tu mi hai educato a vivere e ha diffondere l’amore , sociale, politico e religioso, tesoro incancellabile sui tuoi libri per le generazioni future. hai vissuto nel dolore e con la tua sapienza lo hai trasformato in amore in unità con Chiara nel “Patto” del 16 luglio del 1949. Grazie di vero cuore!!! Gino di anni 84

  • Es bueno, seguir las virtudes de alguien que a la par de Chiara , vivieron a Jesús en medio. Gracias por está excelente idea.

  • Tutti hanno bisogno di abbeverarsi alle sorgenti del pensiero di Igino Giordani per ritrovare la passione di far politica, impegno impregnato di preghiera e di pensiero attinto dal Vangelo.

  • L’ho conosciuto nei nostri incontri di religiosi a Rocca di Papa. Ammirava la nostra vita carismatica. Adesso che ho ottant’anni come lui allora, vorrei non invecchiare mai, con te Foco, con Chiara, con Chiaretto e tutti i primi dell’Opera di Maria. Grazie e auguri per il nuovo sito

  • Anch’io, poco più che ragazzo, l’ho conosciuto nel giardino del Centro Mariapoli. Foco stava volentieri in mezzo ai ragazzi e si intratteneva volentieri con loro durante le sue passeggiate. Come per Chiara, ho cominciato ad apprezzarlo molto più avanti negli anni e adesso lo sento una guida sicura in un mondo che sembra aver perso la bussola.

  • È bellissimo. Ci voleva per far conoscere Igino Giordani, personaggio poliedrico di grandissimo valore.
    Grazie a chi ci ha lavorato per realizzare questo sito che, sicuramente ci apre nuovi orizzonti.

  • È stato per me un modello a cui ispirarmi per la forza del suo pensiero, la profondità della sua vita spirituale, l’umiltà nella relazione con tutti, la fedeltà al carisma dell’Unità.

  • Che dono grande Foco nella mia vita da gen conosciuto proprio nel giardino di Rocca di Papa, e ora da volontaria ormai vicino ai 70 anni , lo prego e lo sento vicino e le sue parole sono di Luce per l’intera famiglia umana. Grazie Foco!

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