The Emergency Coordination group of the Focolare Movement has launched an extraordinary fundraising campaign to support people in Emilia-Romagna and Marche. These two regions in the centre-north of Italy are affected by serious flooding. Funds will be made available through the non-profit organisations Action for a United World (AMU in Italian) and Action for New Families (AFN).

Donations will be jointly managed by AMU and AFN to begin reconstruction (many people’s homes have been damaged, as well as furniture and vehicles that are essential for transport and work activities. There has also been extensive damage to livestock and crops…)

You can donate online at:


Or by bank transfer to the following current accounts:

Action for a United World ONLUS (AMU)
IBAN: IT 58 S 05018 03200 000011204344 at Banca Popolare Etica

Action for New Families ONLUS (AFN)
IBAN: IT 92 J 05018 03200 000016978561 at Banca Popolare Etica

Reason for paymentEmergency in Emilia-Romagna and Marche

Tax benefits are available for such donations in many EU countries and in other countries around the world, according to different local regulations.

Italian taxpayers can obtain deductions and allowances from their income, according to the regulations for non-profit organisations.


  • Vorrei conoscere come sono le condizioni vitali delle nostre comunità e focolari? Ci sono delle testimonianze? Grazie se potete darci delle notizie!

    • Ciao Lucia, al momento diverse famiglie dei nostri sono state evacuate e i danni sono ingenti. Per fortuna stanno tutti bene e la provvidenza non smette di sorprenderci. Speriamo quanto prima di ricevere aggiornamenti.

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