
Gen Verde in Portugal

From the end of July to the beginning of August 2023, Gen Verde travelled the length and breadth of Portugal. A fortnight long tour featuring art workshops and concerts. Many young people were involved in an experience of transforming music into a means of testimony and encounter. ... Read More

Living the Gospel: The Credibility of Love

The Word of life for this month is, “Whoever gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones in the name of a disciple, truly I tell you: none of these will lose their reward” (Mt 10:42). This is the mission to which each of us, just like the disciples, is called: to be credible witnesses of the Love of Christ, in the concrete gestures that are part of our daily lives; a circular Love, which you give with joy and are surprised when it returns abundantly. ... Read More

Living the Gospel: true friendship

(Italiano) Un legame profondo in cui non c’è in gioco solo il nostro destino ma anche il destino dell’altro, la sua storia. È questa l’amicizia vera: un bene gratuito, a fondo perduto; una relazione autentica dove ciascuno, nel sostenere l’altro, alla fine ritrova sempre sé stesso. ... Read More