God in the streets of the world

Father Adolfo Raggio, 95 years old, is a priest who is a "citizen of the world". He says that when he met the spirituality of unity, which he likes to call “the Ideal," his life changed. From a parish in a small town in Liguria, northern Italy, the roads of God led him to different countries, where in each place he gave life to  people and communities who live the spirit of the Focolare Movement., In this video, he shares his journey, which still today keeps him active in serving his brothers. ... Read More

An 80-year-long adventure

On 7th December 1943 in Trent (Italy) Chiara Lubich pronounced her yes to God. A yes that, over time, has multiplied, generating a large family, the Focolare Movement, made up of people from different continents, ages, cultures and vocations. ... Read More

Living the Gospel: God has primacy in our lives

The phrase "Render to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's" (Mt 22:21) contains an imminent request to live out our faith radically and this is what loving really means: to do the will of God who gives us everything and to do it wholeheartedly; recognizing His voice amid the deafening noise of the world and choosing it as the best way forward in everyday life. ... Read More