Gospel living: building blocks for a more fraternal society

All Christians, like the original disciples, have a mission. It’s to bear witness humbly, first with their lives and then with their words, to the love of God that they themselves have found. This way it can become a joyful reality for many, indeed for all. In a society often marked by the search for success and selfish autonomy, Christians are called to show the beauty of fraternity, which recognizes others’ needs and sets reciprocity in motion. ... Read More

Gospel lived: a love that is made welcome

Chiara Lubich wrote "Jesus was the manifestation of the Heavenly Father's fully welcoming love for each one of us  and of the love that, consequently, we should have for one another. (...) The welcoming of the other, of the one different  from us, is the basis of Christian love. It is the starting point, the first step in the construction of that civilization of love, of that culture of communion, to which Jesus calls us especially today"[1] . ... Read More

Gospel living: what would Jesus do?

One way to remain united with Jesus is to welcome his Word. It allows God to enter into our hearts and purify them – cleansed of selfishness, they are able to produce an abundance of quality fruit. ... Read More

Living the Gospel: our contribution towards peace

When we live the Word we are bound to go out of ourselves and meet our brothers and sisters with love. We start  with the ones closest to us: in our cities, our families, wherever we are in everyday life. This  friendship becomes a network of positive relationships, that aims at living the commandment of mutual love, which  builds fraternity. ... Read More