The theme: “The city as the place for accepting the challenge of brotherhood,” led politicians, administrators, public officials and citizens of the city and province of Verona to pose the question: what is the meaning of their political experience. This reflection on the significance and consequences of brotherhood in city life was offered during a meeting with a public belonging to different parties, of the most varied political tendencies.

The subject was addressed also through a video-taped address given by Chiara Lubich in June, 2001 in the city of Trent, Italy. “Brotherhood – Chiara said – is not an external adjunct to political reflection and practice; rather, it can be considered as the soul with which we should face today’s problems.” After the video presentation, two experiences on how brotherhood can be practiced even in politics were shared.

The participants expressed the difficulties encountered by one who practices such a value in the complex and conflictual political world, where a person easily loses the original spirit of service to the common good.

Nonetheless, the life experiences shared by those who, for some time now, have been gearing their efforts in this direction, as well as the comments contributed by other participants, strengthened the hope that a more peaceful climate of collaboration can actually be created in the city’s political sector.

The meeting offered a small sign that wherever there is room for the aspects of dialogue and listening, it is possible to create the conditions favorable to a political experience based on brotherhood.

(taken from Lino Cattabianchi’s article, published in L’Arena, February 6, 2006)

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