We are trying to keep up with breaking news about the devastating earthquake in Haiti, the poorest country in Central America, where much of the capital Port au Prince has been reduced to rubble.

As an act of solidarity, throughout the Movement people are responding to this emergency, and to the need for reconstruction.

We would like to assure the supporters of “Sostegno a Distanza” (Adoptions at a Distance) that the children involved in this educational project in the north east of Haiti have not been directly affected. “They are all safe, we felt some tremors, but there was no damage. But everyone has relatives in Port au Prince, and it has been impossible to find out anything about them.” This is what we heard from the Focolare community in Haiti, which was established thirty years ago and whose development has been closely followed by the Movement in Canada, through Adoptions at a Distance and other projects.

Anyone who would like to help this action of solidarity can send donations to the following accounts:

Giovani per un Mondo Unito (GMU)

Current account “PAMOM – Fondo Mondo Unito”

Intesa San Paolo, Filiale di Grottaferrata

Via delle Sorgenti, 128 – 00046 Grottaferrata (Roma) Italia

IBAN code : IT04  M030  6939  1401  0000  0640  100


Ref: Terremoto Haiti

Associazione “Azione per un Mondo Unito – Onlus” (AMU)

-current postal account  n. 81065005

-Banca Etica, Filiale di Roma,

Via Parigi, 17 – 00185 Roma, Italia

IBAN code : IT16G0501803200000000120434

BIC code : CCRTIT2184D

Ref: Solidarietà per Haiti

AFN Azione per Famiglie Nuove – Onlus

Sostegno a distanza (Adoptions at a Distance)

via Isonzo,42

00046 Grottaferrata (Roma)

– current postal account n. 48075873

– Current bank account at: BANCA PROSSIMA

IBAN code: IT55K0335901600100000001060

Ref: Solidarietà per Haiti

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