Alfonso Di Nicola coordinates the “Always a Person” project that takes care of the prison inmates and their families. This is his story:

“Last Wednesday I was reflecting on the Word of Life, when I felt I had received a message. I read it.  It was George who told me that on Friday they would remove the electricity supply if he did not pay the bill for 450 euros. It was the balance of payments, and had to be paid.

He had asked for help from his employer but the latter did not trust him. He also sought his friends, but none of them came forward… as we are very good friends, he did not want to bother me. Finally, however, as all doors we closed, he came to me.

In these cases, we draw money from the “Always a Person” project. In those days, the few resources available were earmarked for the purchase of oil, sugar, and basic food for the ex-prisoners. Moreover, I thought, “how will he repay the 450 euros, if he earns 800 a month and has three children to maintain?”

George assured me that at the end of the month he would repay the debt, and to tell the truth I found this rather incredible, and thought that Jesus would be my surety. I thought often of His words: “I was thirsty and you gave me to drink… to eat…. you helped me… because every time you did this to one of the smallest of my brothers, you did it to Me…” (Cf Matthew 25, 31).

And you know what happened? I gave George the 450 euros!

It was Thursday. On Friday evening, when I returned from the prison, having talked with several of the inmates, I opened my computer to see the post. To my great surprise, I see an email that invited me to go and withdraw a donation of 1720 euros, offered by a lady who had heard one of our experiences in a church, and desired to contribute to the Project.

My surety did not let me wait for a month to repay the loan, but only for a day, repaying the sum by four times as much, thus allowing us to help others.

Alfonso Di Nicola


  • Que hermoso testimonio de vida. Me impacta lo que dice Fernando: el miedo destruye la vida. Tambien la ayuda de los amigos es realmente maravillosa. Gracias

  • Dio è grande e rende il centuplo, Dio è misericordioso. Io ci credo e sono certa della Sua misericordia e della Sua riconoscenza.
    Proprio ieri un “Giorgio” ha bussato alla porta del nostro ufficio, con il disperato e impellente bisogno di una “banconota” e provato dalla vergogna di dover chiedere aiuto a noi che dopotutto non siamo nè parenti, nè amici, ma semplicemente dei conoscenti, persone che si incontrano e si salutano con piacere, persone che non sanno quasi nulla l’uno dell’altro.
    Eppure ” Giorgio” era lì davanti a noi come un bambino che disperatamente chiede aiuto al suo papà riponendo in lui la sua unica speranza di essere aiutato.
    Il datore di lavoro, nonostante le difficoltà economiche, le preoccupazioni, i problemi, ….. Non ha avuto nessuna esitazione a mettere le mani in tasca, per aiutare “Giorgio” ………….
    Pur sapendo che “Giorgio” difficilmente restituirà quanto avuto, ………………
    Dio non ha mani, ha le nostre mani, ……….. Lui vede e provvede…….. Io credo!

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