Mostly people felt very afraid and needed support to stay calm. We are all shocked. Closeness and sharing are the things we most want”. Maria Palladini and Franco Monaco, who are responsible for the focolare community in the Emilia region of Italy:  the site of the earthquake. In the space of a week a series of quakes resulted in 17 deaths, over 350 wounded and 15000 displaced persons. The situation continues to unfold with strong aftershocks. The worst hit regions are the area between Modena and Ferrara. The earthquakes caused major damage to historic buildings, factories and many churches have been destroyed or are beyond repair.

Lots of remarkable stories have come to light. For example, someone couldn’t get out of their house but this saved them as a large block of the building fell outside and could have harmed them. Another person was deeply affected, suffering by the death of fellow workers in a collapsed warehouse. Someone else was evacuated from hospital. Each one experienced “the power of how everything can change in a split second” and straight after the fist shock “a network of phone calls started to find out how everyone was”.

To help us understand the situation from the aspect of humanitarian help are Adriana Magnani and Stefano Masini of the New Humanity Movement. They tell us “The Civil Protection organisation is up and running now in all the towns and villages affected and has instigated accommodation in a variety of ways (reception areas, undercover shelters, some hotels) providing some 9,000 places”. Volunteers from the Civil Protection organisation have come from all parts of Italy.

Adriana and Stefano outline the greatest needs: “Some psychological support, because everyone has been really traumatised; any campervans or caravans for sleeping in rather than sleeping in the street, we’re working on this in this region; there is an urgent need to check the viability of large and small companies as there is the possibility of 15,000 people being out of work…”

“The priority is to have technicians who can help”. We need psychologists, doctors and engineers: however, all those who want to come and help should deal directly with the local Civil Protection agencies as they are the one co-ordinating all offers of support.”

Together with a small group, it is Adriana and Stefano who are the reference point for the collection of requests and availability of help “we try to match all the needs match as much as possible with the appropriate help and co-ordinate; awareness of who, in the political or social field can help to resolve the bureaucracy that can block the start of actions”.

Alongside the devastation, wounds and terrible trials the people of the Emilia region have endured through this earthquake there runs a river of solidarity. Maria Palladini and Franco Monanco confirm this: “Many people have flung open their doors to welcome the homeless. Each area has a kind of competition of fraternity and solidarity which itself is spreading like oil on water. We really understand the experience of Chiara Lubich and the first focolarine during the destruction of the Second World War: everything crumbles, only God remains, only Love.”

Donations/Bank details:

BANK ACCOUNT: Associazione Solidarietà

BANK NAME: Cariparma Crédit Agricole

IBAN: IT34F0623012717000056512688

Title: Terremoto in Emilia Romagna

For payment via Credit Card or PayPal visit


  • Durante le feste ci è arrivato, con un biglietto scritto a mano, un ringraziamento da parte di una delle famiglie colpite dal terremoto in Emilia…

    “Questo piccolo pensiero è dedicato a tutte le persone straordinarie che mi hanno concretamente aiutato dopo che a causa del terremoto del 20 maggio 2012 mi sono trovata in difficoltà, avendo perso tutto e con la casa inagibile.
    I vostri “occhi” e i vostri “cuori” non si sono solo limitati ad ascoltare con semplice curiosità le notizie della radio e tv, ma si sono sollevati da terra e andati oltre, vi siete attivati donando tempo prezioso e denaro per me e mio figlio…senza chiedere nulla in cambio.
    Anche se non vi conosco vi considero i miei “angeli” , non vi dimenticherò mai e resterete sempre nella mia mente e nel mio cuore, siete stati l’unica nota positiva di tutta questa brutta esperienza. Il Santo Natale mi è sembrata l’occasioen giusta per esprimervi la mia gratitudine e di cuore, veramente di cuore, vi auguro un felice 2013 pieno di gioia e serenità…” M&M

  • For France, could you please share the BIC code to transfer the money? Thanks!
    Pour la France, pouvez-vous nous envoyer le code BIC pour le transfert d’argent. Merci !

  • Grazie di questi occhi diversi!
    Le mie colleghe di lavoro desiderano contribuire acquistando del parmigiano: il Consorzio ci ha detto di rivolgerci direttamente ai produttori ma sono impossibilitati ad effettuare consegne, e a tutt’oggi non siamo riuscite a rintracciare un punto vendita su Milano… se avete qualche indicazione, penso sarebbe una iniziativa che tanti potrebbero sostenere … grazie

    • Ciao Paola, per l’acquisto del Parmigiano bisogna recarsi neipunti vendita appositi della Coldiretti. Non è possibile comprarlo, nè venderlo in altro modo. (ci avevamo pensato anche tra colleghe del mio Ufficio di Bologna)
      altrimenti c’è il conto corrente aperto per l’occasione!!!!

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