Jesus says these words in answer to his disciples who asked him why he speaks in parables. He explains that not everyone is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but only people who are open, only those who accept his words and live them.

In fact, some of those who hear him choose to close their eyes and ears so that “they look but do not see and hear but do not listen or understand” (Mt. 13:13). These are people who see and hear Jesus, but because they assume that they already know all the truth, they do not believe his words or the actions that confirm them. For this reason, they end up losing even the little they have.

“To anyone who has, more will be given and he will grow rich; from anyone who has not, even what he has will be taken away.”

So then, what is the meaning of these words of Jesus? He is inviting us to open our hearts to the Word that he came to announce to us; indeed, at the end of our lives, he will ask us to give an account of how we lived it.

The Gospel writings show us that the announcement of this Word is the focus of all of Jesus’ desires and actions. We see him going from one village to another, on the roads, in town squares, in the countryside, in homes, in synagogues announcing the message of salvation, addressing everyone, but especially the poor, the humble, those who had been relegated to the margins of society. He compares his Word to light, salt, yeast and to a net cast into the sea, to seeds sown in the field. He will give his life so that the fire contained in his Word may blaze.

“To anyone who has, more will be given and he will grow rich; from anyone who has not, even what he has will be taken away.”

Jesus expects the Word he announced to us to transform the world. Consequently, he does not permit us to remain neutral, lukewarm or indifferent in the face of this announcement. He does not allow such a great gift, once received, to remain idle.

To underscore this demand, Jesus reaffirms a law that lies at the very foundation of all of spiritual life: if you put into practice his Word, he will introduce you ever more deeply into the riches and incomparable joys of his kingdom. If, however, you disregard this Word, Jesus will take it away and entrust it to others who will make it bear fruit.

“To anyone who has, more will be given and he will grow rich; from anyone who has not, even what he has will be taken away.”

Thus this Word of Life warns us against making a grave mistake — that of accepting the Gospel, perhaps making it the object of study, admiration and discussion, but without putting it into practice.

Instead Jesus expects us to accept the Word and incorporate it into our lives in a practical way, making it the energy that imbues all our activities, so that through our witness, the Word may be the light, salt and yeast that gradually transforms society.

During this month then, let us focus on one of the many Words of Life from the Gospel and put it into practice. We will enrich our joy with even more joy.

Chiara Lubich


  • Gracias Padre Celestial porque me has dado a conocer tu mensaje; buscando una luz para tomar decisiones le pedí al Padre a través de su Palabra qué debía hacer frente a un deseo que quería cumplir con mi familia y que representaba un riesgo económico pero que a la vez era una muy buena oportunidad para estar todos juntos, sinembargo, Dios en su infinita sabiduría me habló a través de Romanos 9:16 “Por lo tanto la elección no depende del deseo ni del esfuerzo humano sino de la misericordia de Dios”. Entendía que debía esperar y cumplir su voluntad y que era en vano mi deseo de viajar y el esfuerzo económico si no contaba con su misericordia. Así fue como la Palabra ha hecho efecto en mi vida y he retomado mi relación personal con el Padre Celestial.

  • Vocês podem enviar para o meu email
    Muito grata, Sônia., mensalmente, a Palavra de Vida naquela forma acompanhada de tão belas ilustrações ?

    • Ciao Maria da Gloria, scusa se rispondo in italiano. Vorresti ricevere il “foglietto” della Parola di Vita? se ci mandi una mail provvediamo a metterti in contatto col centro o la comunità dei Focolari più vicina. In alternativa puoi stamparla dal sito… facci sapere! M.Chiara, dello staff web

  • Esta Palavra nos exige compromisso, não obrigatório, mas voluntário, renunciar a nós mesmos e levar esta Palavra a todos, este é um compromisso a ser assumido por todo cristão. Partilhar desta Palavra é assentar-se junto a Jesus Cristo e comer juntamente com Ele do Pão da Vida. Deus abençoe a todos!

  • In questi giorni ho partecipato ad un ‘campo di lavoro’ dei Ragazzi per l’Unità…iniziava proprio ai primi di luglio, con la nuova parola di vita. L’abbiamo usata nella versione disegnata per i ragazzi ( è molto carina. Finisce col suggerimento di disegnare una ‘faccina sorridente’ sul palmo della mano per ricordarsi di “DARE CON GIOIA”. Ha funzionato alla grande.. tornando al lavoro non posso continuare a disegnare la faccina sulla mano, ma è come se la vedessi in trasparenza, e mi ricorda la gioia che si prova dentro ogni volta che una delle parole di Gesù ha preso posto nella mia vita.

  • Grazie!!!! Questo pezzo di vangelo commentato da Chiara Lubich mi aiuta a comprenderlo di più di quando lo sento leggere alla S. Messa.
    Di conseguenza cerco di mettere in pratica ciò che dice la Parola di Dio! Cordiali saluti, Franca

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