“Seated within a large tent we listened as the people who had lived through the earthquake shared their adventure, never losing hope and already making plans for the future,” writes Tomek Mikusinski from Gen Rosso on the evening before the show.

The group was welcomed in a large tent next to the church that was still unusable. Images of the controlled demolition of the bell tower of Poggio Renatico (Italy) have already fill the web. “But we are also the Church,” continues Tomek. “They give us an opportunity to share our life, the path that leads us here, our choice of God and the way we follow Him, experiences from our lives and the expectations that guide us on our way forward.” One person confided to us: “I thank everyone in the musical group for your testimony of life and love that you have brought among us. Recent events had us a bit discouraged, and we were really in such need of this! It is such a great joy that we were able to realize this great dream.”

The day before on 14 September 2012, there was another mild earthquake whose epicentre was quite close to the area of Poggio Renatico, but this did not stop the show from going on. On the evening of 15 September 2012 there were a thousand spectators on the sport field. Considering the size of the local population, this meant one out of every three families was there. Some people also came prepared to spend the night in a camping site that was set up on one area of the field.

“Sharing, admiration, hope, gratitude, love, unity, and friendship are just a few of the words that express what we lived this week,” Tomek continues. “’Cities and hills may fall but love never fails, love never fails. And so many people are helping, offering hope and serenity. . .’ These words from one of our songs had a strong resonance among our listeners. They rang very true especially in this area around Poggio Renatico. We lived days of true brotherhood! Because wherever there is love and hope that is founded on love, there is God and Life returns! So much life!”

“I’ve been recharged and am ready to set out once again on my journey, which so often filled with obstacles and difficulties,” shared one girl when it was time to leave. “Thank you for showing that we can go far when we walk together.”

“An historic international music group contributes to reconstruction” was one of the headlines in “Ferrara24ore” news. “This group that defines itself as an international performing arts group, has been performing since 1966 with a deeply social focus, and this is why it has enthusiastically accepted the invitation to do a show in our region, in order to help revive the spirit of the people that has been disturbed by recent events. They have come in order to be involved in resolving the problems and difficulties of this painful moment for so many people.” “The group fights for the construction of a more liveable world, a world of justice, solidarity and peace. There couldn’t be a better idea for getting Poggio Renatico back on its feet again.”

1 Comment

  • Durante le feste ci è arrivato, con un biglietto scritto a mano, un ringraziamento da parte di una delle famiglie colpite dal terremoto in Emilia…

    “Questo piccolo pensiero è dedicato a tutte le persone straordinarie che mi hanno concretamente aiutato dopo che a causa del terremoto del 20 maggio 2012 mi sono trovata in difficoltà, avendo perso tutto e con la casa inagibile.
    I vostri “occhi” e i vostri “cuori” non si sono solo limitati ad ascoltare con semplice curiosità le notizie della radio e tv, ma si sono sollevati da terra e andati oltre, vi siete attivati donando tempo prezioso e denaro per me e mio figlio…senza chiedere nulla in cambio.
    Anche se non vi conosco vi considero i miei “angeli” , non vi dimenticherò mai e resterete sempre nella mia mente e nel mio cuore, siete stati l’unica nota positiva di tutta questa brutta esperienza. Il Santo Natale mi è sembrata l’occasioen giusta per esprimervi la mia gratitudine e di cuore, veramente di cuore, vi auguro un felice 2013 pieno di gioia e serenità…” M&M

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