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As we welcome and accept one another in mutual love, so we receive the power to become children of God in a relationship that shares in the Son’s own relationship with the Father. Like this we live out the the grace Jesus died for us to have.

This is the amazing new thing that Jesus proclaimed and gave to humanity: to be children of God, becoming God’s children through grace.

But how, and who is given this grace? It goes to ‘to all who received him’ and to those who would receive him in the following centuries. We must receive Jesus in faith and in love, believing in him as our Saviour.

But let’s try to understand more deeply what it means to be children of God.

All we need do is look at Jesus, the Son of God, and at his relationship with the Father. Jesus prayed to his Father as he did in the ‘Our Father’. For him the Father was ‘Abba’, which means Dad, Daddy, the one he turned to in tones of infinite trust and boundless love.

But since he had come on earth for us, it was not enough for him to be the only one in this privileged position. By dying for us, redeeming us, he made us children of God, his brothers and sisters, and through the Holy Spirit he made it possible for us too to enter into the bosom of the Trinity. This means that we too can use his divine words, ‘Abba, Father’ (Mk 14:36; Rom. 8:15): ‘Dad, my Daddy’, our Daddy, with everything this implies: the certainty of his protection, security, surrender to his love, divine consolation, strength, ardour – the ardour born in the hearts of those who are certain they are loved.

‘But to all who received him, he gave power to become children of God.’

We are made one with Christ and daughters and sons in the Son by baptism and the life of grace that comes from it.

In these words from the Gospel there is, moreover, an expression that reveals the profound dynamic within this being ‘daughters and sons’ which must be realized day by day. We have, in fact, ‘to become children of God’.

We become, we grow as children of God, by co-operating with the gift he has given us, by living his will which is wholly concentrated in the commandment of love: love for God and love for our neighbours.

To accept Jesus means, in effect, to recognize him in all our neighbours. And they too will be helped to recognize Jesus and believe in him if they can discern, in the love we have for them, a spark of the boundless love of the Father.

‘But to all who received him, he gave power to become children of God.’

This month, in which we remember specially Jesus’ birth in the world, let’s try to welcome and accept one another, seeing and serving Christ himself in each other.

The result will be that a flow of mutual love, of living knowledge like that binding the Son to the Father in the Spirit, will be established also between us and the Father, and time and again we will feel coming to our lips Jesus’ own words: ‘Abba, Father.’

Chiara Lubich

Published in 1998


  • Agradecer a Dios a quienes mantienen vivo nuestro movimiento en mi caso en Ibague-Tolima -Colombia como un noble ideal aun que sea por correo electronico

  • E POSSIVEL AMAR E SER AMADO E DOANDOSE AO IRMAO SEM MEDO POIS DEUS SE FAZ ALI PRESENTE OLHAR COM OLHOS DO PAI TER A CERTEZA DO AMOR DO PAI APREENDER COM NOSSOS ERROS E NAO MAIS COMETELOS E DIFICIL QUANDO ESTAMOS AQUI FORA MAS PODEMOS VIVER A PALAVRA que nos da forca pra recomersarmos e caindo que amadurecemos e e errando que apreendemos somos feitos do amor de deus isso nao pode acabar pois nao valeria a pena estar aqui peco haDEUS FORCA PRA CONTINUAR

  • Se lasciamo entrare Gesù nel nostro cuore, se crediamo in Lui, ci sentiamo figli del Padre Celeste, possiamo abbandonarci tra le sue braccia e affrontare anche il dolore più grande che cerca di sopraffarci.

  • meditar esta palabra significa que nos comprometamos mas para ser hijos de dios como el nos da ese poder….. vivamos siempre con esa fuerza que el nos transmite tenemos que entender que hay que morir en lo nuestro y resucitar en el … ..

  • Ths Word Of Life reminds me of the theme for the year. We are children of the same Father. What more when I love this supernatural brother.

    Thank you so much.

    Merry Xmas in advance.



  • May God grant all of you who are putting in much efforts to keep the flame growing, more blessings to continue with this wonderful work of Mary. Thanks.

  • Meditando a Palavra de vida deste mês, senti no coração a necessiade de renovar a minha profissão fé… Para desta forma, poder renovar o meu compromisso de amá-Lo sobre todas as coisas e ao meu irmão como a mim mesma.

  • (Jo 1,12)
    Esta palavra do dia de hoje testifica em minha vida o direito de vencer todos os obstáculos necessário. Me fortalece, porque me faz pensar que o povo antigo estava desligado de Deus e tinha problemas e graças a Jesus hoje podemos religar através de Jesus. Quando peço a Jesus algo, suporto no amor, pois sua perfeição em nos entregar o que pedimos de forma perfeita é certa.Por isso se alguém ainda não foi atendido é porque deve jogar fora os hábitos e atitudes que o impede de receber a benção de Deus. Muitos não entendem que Deus é caprichoso e aperfeiçoa o receptor de sua benção antes de entrega-la. Ele tem a certeza da nossas falhas e porque perdemos algo na vida. Eu, através do Movimento Focular; essa forma de vivenciar a palavra está me devolvendo aos poucos tudo que perdi na medida que me deixo viver e sentir a palavra fluindo internamente ecoando no abismo de dúvida que se dicipa pelo amor mutuo de Jesus. Um grande abraço a todos vocês.

  • It’s great to have the audio track this month. It helps engender a meditative spirit because one can block out the world of light by closing one’s eyes and listening with contemplation to the “Word of Life.”

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