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Because of his love, Jesus wished to be with his followers always. His presence among those who love one another is how he fulfils his promise wherever people may be.

The evangelist Matthew begins his gospel by reminding us that Jesus, whose story he is about to tell, is God-with-us, Emmanuel (see Mt 1:23). He ends his story with these words. In them Jesus promises he will stay with us always, even after he has returned to heaven. Until the end of time he will be God-with-us.

Jesus spoke these words to the disciples after he had given them the task of bringing his message to the whole world. He was well aware that he was sending them out like sheep among wolves and that they would face obstruction and persecution (see Mt 10:16-22). For this reason he didn’t want to leave them alone in their mission. So, at the very moment he was leaving, he promised to stay! They will no longer see him with their eyes, no longer hear his voice, will not be able to touch him, but he will be present in their midst, just as before and indeed more than before. Until then, his presence had been localized in one precise place, in Capernaum, on the lake, on the mountain, or in Jerusalem. From now on, he will be wherever his disciples are.

Jesus was also thinking of all of us living in the midst of the complexities of daily life. Because he is Love incarnate, he will have thought to himself: I would like to be with human beings always, I would like to share every worry with them, I would like to counsel them, I would like to walk with them along their streets, enter their homes, revive their joy with my presence.

For this reason he wanted to stay with us and make us feel his closeness, his strength, his love.

Luke’s gospel tells us that having seen him ascend into heaven, the disciples ‘returned to Jerusalem with great joy’ (Lk 24:52). How could that be? They had already experienced the reality of his words.

We too will be full of joy if we truly believe in Jesus’s promise:

‘And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.’

These words, the last spoken by Jesus to his disciples, mark the end of his life on earth and, at the same time, the start of the life of the Church where Jesus is present in many ways: in the Eucharist, in his Word, in his ministers (bishops, priests), in the poor, in the little ones, in the marginalized… in all neighbours.

Perhaps we could emphasize a specific presence of Jesus, the one that he himself, again in Matthew’s Gospel, pointed out to us: ‘Where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them’ (Mt. 18:20). Through this presence he wants to be able to remain in every place.

If we live what he commands, especially his new commandment, we can experience this presence of his also outside of church, in the midst of people, in the places they live, everywhere.

What is asked of us is love that is mutual, that serves, that understands, that shares in the sufferings, anxieties and joys of our brothers and sisters – that love which covers over everything, forgives all things, typical of Christianity.

Let’s live like this so that everyone may have the chance to meet Him already here on earth.

Chiara Lubich

(First published in May 2002)


  • Jesus wants to make us feel his closeness, his strength, his immense love.. About 15 days ago, I was transferred to a university hospital because of a terrific headache. In the hospital I couldn’t sleep because the small and big lumps which covered my head didn’t permit to put my head on pillow at night. Whenever my head was on the pillow, it gave me terrible pain, so I had to get up many times. But I know that all sufferings which happened to me are a much appreciated gift God gives me. So I can offer God my sufferings with great joy and I pray for our Movement, and specially for its members. It is good chance to read the Gospel and pray without being pressed for time while I am in the hospital for several days. I am sure that the Risen Lord is with me and he loves me immensely even though sufferings may be big. Thanks to his mercy, I am now healthy.

  • Grazie! La Parola è un di più semplice e chiaro che tutti possono – se vogliono – capire…
    Davvero… “pecore in mezzo ai lupi”… finchè prima o poi i lupi non divoreranno più.
    Una bella certezza è davvero quella di non essere MAI soli: “Io sono con voi tutti i giorni…” E’ vero! nella gioia, nel dolore, nella salute, nella malattia… SEMPRE.
    La vita per lodare, testimoniare… la vita per la vera Vita di “quel giorno”!!!
    Sentirsi “famiglia” in “famiglia” del mondo è bello davvero.

  • Commentare la parola di vita che io ho sempre pensato fosse il mio solo modo di vivere ora non ho più niente ma il signore mi riserva sempre tante sorprese e la parola di vita ogni tanto smarrita grazie

  • Reading this Word of Life I find my long question why our world is indifferent to God. Even though all humanity is waiting for the good news that God is near to all, most of them disregard God. The reason can be summed up into 2 points. First we don’t realize that we are enveloped by the love of God. Second our way of behaving may make the truth that God loves us immensely not credible. What matters is my attitude towards God and my neighbor. If I live mutual love in the real sense, my neighbor will also realise that God is our father. What wonderful ways God gives us!

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