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2014_07_scuola_ande3Small village at 3200 metres above sea level, in an inaccessible reagion of the Andes Mountains. Bolivar, one of the poorest provinces of Peru, in the extreme northeast of La Libertad, has only one public school, which  is unequipped to welcome the large number of school-age children who wish to enroll, some of them travelling on foot for long hours from distant mountain villages.

In 2011 the San Francesco d’Assisi Scholastic Instutute was begun thanks to the efforts of parish priest Father Emeterio. This school was not meant to compete with the state school, but to complimennt it by welcoming some 80 children from the most remote and disadvantaged villages, providing them with one hot meal a day. The State openly recognised the importance of this work and provided salaries for the teachers.

Now the institute has to move to a larger building so that all the children of Bolivar can attend classes. This is why AMU has launched a project called A School on the Andes to support the construction of the new building. The building will house eleven classrooms, a computer lab and secretariat. It will provide education at the primary and secondary levels, teaching materials and nutritional assistance. There will also be teacher training for teachers. The school will welcome 220 students each year, 12 teachers, 2 teacher assistants and a director. All of this will  be brought ahead in collaboration with local partners, the Catholic Diocese of Huamachuco and the parish of San Salvador in Bolivar.

2014_07_scuola_ande_2Two 3-level teacher training courses are given for teachers: teaching content; educational techniques; accompanying learning, as well as civic and moral education. Competent and motivated teachers will be able to offer quality instruction with more efficient methods and more support in the learning process of children and teenagers. The school will also offer computer literacy training and access to internet. There are no other on-site locations where young people can learn modern systems of communication. Finally, adult education courses will be offered for adults who have never had access to instruction. Schedule: the new eduational facility will be ready by the end of 2014; in March 2015 all operations will be transferred to the new campus.

Now the challenge is to raise 630 thousand euros for the completion of the project, which will be partly covered by local partners, by the Peruvian Ministry of Education, and  by AMU. The costs spreading over three years, will include the amount for the construction of the school building, the purchase of teaching materials, the teacher training and hot meals for the students.

Contributions in any amount can be deposited to the following bank account:

• cc bank account 120434 at Banca Popolare Etica – Filiale di Roma

IBAN code: IT16 G050 1803 2000 0000 0120 434
Attn: Associazione “Azione per un Mondo Unito – Onlus”
Via Frascati, 342
00040 Rocca di Papa (Rome, Italy),

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