With its 98 million inhabitants, Ethiopia is the second most populated country of the African continent, after Nigeria.  It has conquered peace for almost two decades now, after a terrible war with its neighbour, Eritrea, that lasted for 17 years and which brought the two nations to their knees.  Today it is considered the centre of Africa, and hosts the Headquarters of the African Union, where the interests of entire nations are at play. There are also all the embassies of the continent which represent 115 extra-African countries.

Liliane Mugombozi, Directress of  New City Africa writes about the 10-23 August journey undertaken with two focolarini, upon the invitation of the Bishop of the diocese of Meki.

«I have just returned from Ethiopia where I was invited together with Charles and Legesse, by Bishop Abram. For me now, the Horn of Africa no longer stands for terrorism in Somalia or the dictatorship in Eritrea; and neither is Ethiopia the only Airport of Addis Abeba where I stopover on my flights to Rome.

20141003-01Addis now for me is the smile of that boy who helped me with my luggage, and the welcoming look of that nun who took me in at the centre where I was able to rest before continuing my journey the next day. I found the country alive and full of heart in that priest who took the trouble to introduce me to the situation of this nation, in that leper woman, outcast of society, in that young man who wanted so much to meet me, and again, in that suffering caused by the walls that still divide the Catholic and the Orthodox Churches.

The meeting with four bishops, among whom the Archbishop of Addis Abeba, Bernhaneyesus Souraphiel, had a strong impact on me. They have great hopes in the contribution of the Focolari. In those days we were able to share, from within the life of the small Catholic community: it was a really enlightening experience! The evangelical testimonial of the small group of catholics, reached not only to the Christians of the old Orthodox Church and various Pentecostal churches developing everywhere, but also to others present who were of other religions of the country, like the Muslims.

20141003-02We found a lively and committed Church that was able to imbue charity within the structure of society at all levels: in education, healthcare, farming… in a society that is changing and developing at a very fast pace. When walking through the streets, passing among the people, one has the impression of a country “vibrating” on all fronts: political, social, and in the field of communications, with enormous possibilities for development.

The Bishops hope  to “find the pass key to enter this world with the values of the Gospel. Politics does not suffice, we have to do our part. We have long heard of how the Church needs trained laypersons. And you are among these… the Focolari Movement has to take part in the education of laypersons…”  I remembered the words John Paul II had said to Chiara Lubich a few years ago, inviting her to contribute to «giving Europe its soul». Also the words of the Bishops in Ethiopia echoed this, as if to say «also here we need to give a soul to this country. »

1 Comment

  • Carissima eliana e tutti,
    grazie per questo aggiornamento così ricco di belle notizie e promettente di tanti frutti per la Chiesa in Etiopia! Qui alla Segreteria dei Vescovi avevamo conosciuto alcuni vescovi dell’Etiopia ed avevamo colto il loro desiderio di diffondere la spiritualità dell’unità nel lor paese. Ora la preghiera è stata esaudita… e siamo certi che Maria custodirà farà fruttare il seme che avete gettato…
    Pina Peduzzi

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