Résurrection de Rome est l’un des écrits les plus célèbres de Chiara Lubich, fruit d’une de ses expériences qu’elle a transmise ensuite dans un article paru dans la revue « La Via » en 1949. C’est un texte qui montre à la fois la dimension mystique d’une expérience charismatique, exprimée par l’utilisation d’un langage particulièrement dense en images, et l’actualisation de cette expérience dans la vie au contact de l’humanité. Cet écrit marque un tournant dans l’expérience de Chiara Lubich en 1949 : le retour à Rome, c’est-à-dire à la vie normale, vécu comme l’introduction de la lumière et de la vie dans le quotidien, avec le fruit d’un renouveau non seulement de l’existence personnelle mais aussi de la société. Le regard sur Rome a en effet pour l’auteur la signification d’un regard sur toutes les villes du monde.

La vidéo que nous présentons est le résultat d’un long et patient travail photographique réalisé par Javier Garcia, avec la voix originale de Chiara Lubich tirée de la lecture du texte adressé aux dirigeants des Focolari le 3 octobre 1995.

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  • hi I just saw the movie of Chiara. it was beautiful it touched my heart. I am God’s beloved daughter and I have a call on my life to help parents become wonderful parents to their children. listening to them hugging and kissing them telling them they are loved talented wanted. I was not treated well I ended up with PTSD and bipolar all my life I have been fighting this. maybe if my earthly father didn’t beat me and didn’t verbally and mentally abuse me my life would have been better much better. anytime I went into a psch ward I would tell people don’t worry its only a moment in time. what 40 years later. I have been an advocate for all people who have a mental disability for 40 years. I care for them I know what it’s like because I have lived it. I know there are support groups like with NAMI for family members who have a child or friend who has a mental disability BUT THIS HAS TO BE FOR FAMILIES BEFORE MENTAL ILLNESS! It will stop the mental illness from happening. The cortex in the brain grows at age 7. if the child is abused it won’t preform correctly. I read people with bipolar can have this problem mental illness is environmental NOT genetic. we could be saving children’s lives and livelihoods. I don’t want any child going to a psch hospital or taking medications EVER. I had 2 abortions I did not want. I wanted someone to love me. can you imagine no one having an abortion because they are loved in their family. treasured! I was never hugged or kissed of touched except with a belt I had no one to talked to my father told me once if you don’t know I am not going to tell you! He abused me until the week before he died in 2004 he told me you got everything you will ever wanted. he didnt love or protected me or even talked to me no i did not get everything i ever wanted Then my mother took over when she had a stroke my sister continues the abuse neglect. this quest has to be worldwide there are so many people hurting. I am hoping you can help me. the Focolare Foundation seems like a great foundation for this endeavor please email me. I tell people we create our tomorrow by what we dream today. If I never see another child being abuse and realized they are loved that would be the best gift! as you said we are one. I want to be part of the Focolare Organization. thank you God Bless Nancy Urgell ❤️ God’s beloved daughter

    • Dearest Nancy, thank you for this profound but also painful sharing. And your commitment to people with a mental disability is precious. « Give and it will be given to you » says the Gospel. And it is true that when you give, you receive much more.
      Please send an e-mail to info@focolare.org if you want to get in touch with the Focolare Movement in your area. Thank you again for your testimony

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