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9781565485075_thumbIf you feel like politics and politicians have sunk into a hopeless pit of divisiveness and insincerity, you need this book. Amy Uelmen identifies some of the burning questions of our times: Does voting the wrong way constitute a sin? Are my misguided friends being inadvertently duped by political machines to make sinful choices? Are my misguided friends being inadvertently duped by political rhetoric that sounds good, but produces no social change in practice? The 5 steps she proposes will help you ask the right questions and establish parameters that can produce actual dialogue rather than simultaneous monologues in your family, church, community, or town hall meeting. The insights are: (1) Believe it is possible to have a positive vision of politics; (2) Practice and refine communication skills based on love; (3) Understand where there is and is not room for compromise; (4) Recognize suffering as a springboard for love; and (5) Build the polis with constructive action.
Author: Amy Uelmen
Available from New City Press (NY)

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