Environment and law: responsability and participation

A congress sponsored by Communion and Law will be held at Castelgandolfo (Rome) from 13-15 November 2015.

logoC&DThis international Congress will reflect and discuss the relationship between environment, person and law, starting from the laws and regulations enforced in different geographical areas and aiming at new legal openings to reinforce participation. The theoretical approach is based on tested facts: investigations on harm caused to the environment, involvement of populations in legislative proposals, firmness to face the strong power of the State mechanism, etc.

Experts and scholars in various academic and cultural fields, such as economics, environmental science, pedagogy, political science and architecture will contribute to enrich the conference, to prove the complexity of the topic discussed and to highlight the urgency of the issues in question. Against the background of these various themes emerges the prospect of a unitary vision, able to recompose the terms, man and nature, in a relational anthropology.

Maria Voce, president of the Focolare Movement, who was the first woman lawyer to be registered in the court of Cosenza, Italy will give her talk during the last session of the conference. Cardinal Francesco Coccopalmerio, president of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts and Maurizio D’Errico, president of the National Council of Notaries are among the guests invited to attend this conference.


Press release – November 9, 2015


Interview with Adriana Cosseddu, professor of Criminal Law and coordinator of Communion and Law


Updated on November 12, 2015

SIF – Focolare Information Service


Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I awarded an honorary doctoral degree in the culture of unity

From the Sophia University Institute for “his service to the unity of the human family”

On October 26, 2015, at 17.00hrs

Auditorium of the Loppiano International Centre – Direct internet transmission

BartolomeoIHis Holiness Bartholomew I, Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople will be receiving the first honory doctoral degree in the culture of unity conferred by the Sophia University Institute, situated in Loppiano (Florence) and founded by Chiara Lubich to deal competently and effectively with the cultural transition taking place.

The Patriarch, a pioneer in ecumenical dialogue and a peacemaker, is a point of reference in the complex contemporary scene.

The theologian Piero Coda, President of the University Institute said: “Today, the world needs people who seek the unity of the human family, and the Patriarch is constantly rendering a valuable service towards a culture that aims at placing fraternity at the heart of human history”.

This event takes place when Loppiano celebrates the first 50 years of its foundation, and it continues to strengthen the relationship of esteem and collaboration between the Patriarchate of Constantinople and the Focolare Movement.

Press Release – October 19, 2015

Press Release – October 27, 2015

Message from Pope Francis – October 26, 2015

Bartholomew I – Biographical Profile

A brief history of the relationship between the Ecumenical Patriarch and the Focolare Movement – Dossier

Sophia University Institute – Dossier

Loppiano – Dossier

“Athenagoras I, Paul VI and Chiara Lubich” – video (available in high definition, please send your request to sif.press@focolare.org)

Photo gallery

Updated on October 27, 2015

SIF – Focolare Information Service

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