Focolare Movement
New website for Alberto Michelotti and Carlo Grisolia

New website for Alberto Michelotti and Carlo Grisolia

Alberto and Carlo are two young people from Genoa whose cause for beatification was started in 2008. The case is original because they are protagonists together. Their friendship and the friendship they showed to others is one of the salient points of their life: it is precisely in this human sentiment, lived in a Christian way, that the Church has seen an element of sanctity, mostly in their wish to help each other in bringing to all the evangelical ideal of a united world, of universal brotherhood. On the new site, that is dedicated to them, one can view and download for free, the documentary, in Italian “Together we can”, directed by Mario Ponta: A group of youths today, following in the footsteps and ways of Alberto and Carlo, and meeting the friends of that time, discover the authenticity of their experience, and that it can be lived also today. A version of the documentary with subtitles in various languages is being prepared. The Alberto Michelotti and Carlo Grisolia committee invite all to visit the site and leave their impressions: