Youth take the lead

July 25, 2013

On the eve of his departure for Rio de Janeiro, Pope Francis said: “Youth will be taking the leading role during this week”.  And this is precisely what is happening!  The young people are the protagonists of the extraordinary welcome given to the Pope, of the great joy that fills the “cidade maravilhosa” during these days, of the opening ceremony at Copacabana, of the various events that are taking place in different parts of the city. 500,000 were present at Copacabana, and  two million  are expected to be present during  the week-end.

The young people of the Focolare Movement have been present with their stand at Vocations Fair since Tuesday, July 23.  This fair  is being held at  Quinta Boa Vista in a very large park and it is offering young people the opportunity to encounter and get to know deeper the various ecclesial realities present at WYD. At this fair, the youth of the Focolare are  presenting Chiara Luce Badano, the United World Project and Escola Civitas.

They have also set up a tent at Largo da Carioca, at the  city centre, from  where they are distributing the book “25 minutos: a vida de Chiara luce, the Portugese edition of the biography of Chiara Luce, written by  Franz Coriasco, an agnostic friend of hers. The foundation “Aid to the Church in need” has given its support towards this edition published by Cidade Nova.

A santidade veste jeans, a musical about Chiara Luce’s life produced by group of young Brazilians, was held on Wednesday 24 at the Carlos Gomes Theatre. An extra fourth show had to be presented to cater for a number of young people queuing outside the theatre to the see the musical. Maria Teresa and Ruggero Badano, Chiara Luce’s parents, unexpectedly attended this fourth show. They arrived at the theatre to see the show after having taken part in the welcome given to Pope Francis on his visit to St. Francis Hospital. “On stage one could see young people enchanted with the simple and yet extraordinary life of Chiara Luce”, says Rosamari, a Brazilian. “Chiara Luce,  a young girl like us,  makes it clear  that holiness is not something of the past”.

On the same evening, on the other side of the city at the “Riocentro” Conference Centre,   the Gen Rosso were presenting their show “Dimensione indelebile” (Indelibile Dimension).   And on the 25th, they were at Varginha – in the favela of Manguinho – together with 200 young people following a recovery programme from addiction through art – to animate the festive celebration prepared to welcome the Pope.

July 24 was also the day when young members of the Focolare Movement, together with friends from the Religions for Peace Global Youth Network, were engaged in the organization of the interreligious meeting “Go and build peace in all nations”.  These young people were at Estácio de Sá, and from 18.00 to 20.00 they discussed dialogue and various forms of action as part of their common committment to promote peace.

The highlights of this day were the Pope’s visit to Aparecida and  to St.FrancisHospital, where he inaugurated a new wing dedicated to integral  care. These were occasions where one could see gestures and hear words that touch the heart, penetrate the mind and urge one to follow them. At the end of the day, when the Holy Father spoke to the young people gathered at “Casa Italia”, he gave them a message that could be addressed to everyone. He told them: “Trust Christ, listen to him, follow his footsteps. He never abandons us, not even in the darkest moments of our life. He is our hope. Tomorrow at Capocabana, we will go deeper into this truth, which  brightens  our life.  See you tomorrow!”

Press Release

Focus: Youth Week kicks off with an interreligious meeting

Focus: WYD 2013: Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro

Updated on July 26, 2013


SIF – Focolare Information Service

Youth Week kicks off with an interreligious meeting

July 22, 2013

Youth Week – this is the expression Pope Francis used last Sunday, July 21 at the end of the Angelus, when he spoke about the long-awaited meeting for young people atRio de Janeiro. And thus began the week during which there will be meetings, moments of prayer, of celebration….a week full of life! The young people are waiting for Francis, who like them carried his own briefcase to the plane. This week started with a programming until now unprecedented in organizing these events.

An “interreligious meeting for Catholics, Jews and Muslims” was held on Sunday July 21. Two hundred young delegates participated in this meeting promoted by the Local Organizing Committee and hosted by the Pontifical Catholic University (PUC) inRio de Janeiro. “We started WYD by aiming at its core: accepting differences” said Josafá Siqueira, the University Rector.

Members of the Focolare Movement are involved in the interreligious dialogue group that meets every month inRioand that launched this initiative. Victor Gomes, a native ofRioand one of the delagates at the conference related to us: “The participants were divided into small groups where various issues were discussed. Some of those present never did this kind of experience and they were filled with new hope. The leaders of the various religions have shown great interest and brotherhood. They treated each others as equal; there was no one who felt superior to any of the rest.”

Focus: WYD 2013: Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro

Updated on July 24, 2013


SIF – Focolare Information Service

WYD 2013: Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro

July 20, 2013

A look at World Youth Day and  the contribution  of the youth of the Focolare Movement

Rio de Janeiro welcomes 2 million young people  for the XXVIII  edition of World Youth Day.   But not only. It also welcomes Pope Francis , who on his    first apostolic journey  will  meet with  young people in Copacabana for the  Via Crucis,  and in Campus Fidei  for the Vigil and for Mass at the conclusion of WYD.

Pope Francis will meet “the ones living on the outskirts”;  he will visit a slum area  in Rio de  Janiero,  where he will meet  the community of  Varginha;  he will also meet some young inmates inRio.  The Holy Father will  attend the  opening of  a new complex   for  drug addicts at St Francis ofAssisiHospital, one of the social legacies of World Youth Day.

The Pope cannot  miss a visit to the Shrine of Our Lady of Aparecida, where in 2007 the Fifth General Conference of Latin American and Caribbean Bishops  (CELAM) took place.  Pope Francis gave, as a gift, the important and significant Document of Aparecida[1], issued by this General Conference  to Heads of Latin American States who have visited him in recent weeks.

On July 21, there will be an interreligious meeting  at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janiero. 200 young Jews,  Catholics and Muslims from all overBrazilare expected to attend this meeting.  Although it is taking place before the  official start of the programme, it is considered as an integral part of it. The Archbishop of Rio,Mons. Tempesta will open the meeting.  The aim of this meeting is to draft proposals  for concrete actions to overcome prejudices and to give visibility to what  is already being done in this field inBrazil.  InRio, a group of young people who belong to different religions meet monthly to  move  together along a path of mutual understanding and enrichment.

World Youth day opens our horizons, helps us to grow in our faith and  continues to strengthen  us  in our everyday life with all its problems:  at University, at work, at home. It marks one for life and we are sure that this will also happen here”:  these are the words  of  Mariá  and Leandro, two young members of the Focolare Movement in Rio de Janiero, who, together with others, are  actively  involved in the preparation of this great international event. They are  working on  several fronts, which  include the musical on the life of Blessed Chiara Luce Badano (see dossier below);  they are also among the intercessors of the Day.  The musical will be presented on July 24 at  the Grand Auditorium of “Cidade das Artes”, in Barra da Tijuca, the cultural centre of Rio de Janiero. This musical  is being prepared together with friends from other Catholic Movements,  other Christian Churches,   and also ones who know very little about Christianity. Among these there is  a young Buddhist.  Maria Teresa and Ruggero Badano, the parents of Chiara Luce are expected to participate. For this occasion, the publishing house Cidade Nova is launching “25 minutos: a vida de Chiara Luce Badano”, the Portugese edition of the  book  written by Franz Coriasco.  500,000 copies  of this book will be distributed  to the young people attending WYD, an initiative  carried out  in collaboration with “Aid to the Church in need”.

During the Vigil of July 27  at Campus Fidei, about 200 young people from Aparecida and Sao Paulo, belonging to Fazenda da Esperança and other  similar associations  will  be on the main stage with Gen Rosso. They will perform some scenes from “Streetlight”, thus witnessing   the change experienced in their lives  through  giving themselves and their talents to others.  For almost two months  the Gen Rosso   Group has been touring Brazil with its “ Strong without violence” project  (see dossier below).

The WYD in Rio   presents  an excellent opportunity to boost the  social initiatives  carried out by the Focolare Movement inBrazil. There is an on-going  collaboration with various organizations that draw their energy from the spirituality  of unity.  The atmosphere of  the contagious generosity, typical of WYD, together with the sharing of  experiences of  those engaged in this field,  will be a source of encouragement to reach out  to those, young or old, that are in need .

Updated on July 17, 2013


SIF – Focolare Information Service

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