While St. Paul was in prison on account of his preaching, he wrote to the Christian community in the city of Philippi. He had been the very first to preach the Gospel there, and many people had come to believe and had committed themselves generously to this new life.

Even after Paul had left them, they continued to bear witness to Christian love. Knowing this about them made him very happy, which is why his letter is full of affection for the Philippians.

Paul encouraged them, therefore, to go ahead and to grow both as individuals and as a community. For this reason he reminded them of their model Jesus, who they should learn from.

“Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus.”

What is this “mind”? How can we know the deepest desires Jesus had so as to imitate him?

Paul understood how: Jesus Christ, the Son of God, had emptied himself and had come down among us. He became man and was completely at the service of the Father, so that we could become children of God. Paul told the Galatians about this, saying, “And because you are children, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, ‘Abba! Father!’”

(Gal 4:6). And in fact, John had already written about it in his Gospel: “But to all who received him, who believed in his name, he gave power to become children of God” (Jn 1:12).

Jesus had fulfilled his mission through the way he lived his whole life. He continually humbled himself so as to reach those who were the smallest, weakest or most insecure: lepers, widows, strangers or sinners. He raised them up; making them feel loved and saved at last.

“Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus.”

In order to recognize and cultivate the mind of Jesus in us, let’s first be aware of his love and the power of his forgiveness. Let’s look to him, making his way of acting our own. It urges us to open our hearts, our minds and our arms to welcome each person just as they are.

Let’s avoid making any judgements about others, but allow ourselves instead to be enriched by all that is positive in those we meet, even when it may be hidden in a pile of wretchedness and errors so that it seems to us a “waste of time” looking for it.

The strongest desire in the mind of Jesus, which we can make our own, is love freely given, the willingness to be at the service of others with our talents, whether great or small, and to courageously and positively build up good relationships wherever we are. This love knows how to face difficulties, misunderstandings and differences with a gentle spirit, determined to find the ways of dialogue and mutual agreement.

“Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus.”

Chiara Lubich let the Gospel guide her entire life, and she experienced its power. In 1982, she wrote, “Imitating Jesus means understanding that we Christians only make sense if we live for others, if we think of our existence as a service for our brothers and sister, if we organize our lives on this basis.”

“Then we fulfill what Jesus has most at heart. We will have fully grasped the Gospel. And we will be truly blessed.”

Letizia Magri


  • Carissimi, sono un Volontario di Bari, ogni mese invio a circa 300 persone la PdV in pps che ricavo dal sito del Santuario di San Calogero. Purtroppo viene messa in rete molto dopo il primo del mese, non riesco a mettermi in contatto nè con Don Placido nè con Anna Lollo. Mi potete fornire le loro e-mail. Grazie.

  • Gostaria de receber todos os meses a Palavra de Vida.
    Participei do Movimento Focolares.Grupo Gen.Na cidade de Piraju,nos anos 80.Qdo era apenas uma adolescente.
    Fiquei afastada do Movimento alguns anos..
    Hoje vendo um vídeo do Gen Rosso em Aparecida do Norte.Senti o meu coração arder aquela mesma chama que sedia no meu coração adolescente.Fui ao Google pesquisar sobre o Movimento e senti a vontade de entrar em contato e pedir p receber a Palavra de Vida todos os meses.Onde moro agora não tem

  • Grazia mille per il comento. Stavo rifletendo pero come mai non rimane tanto facilmente impresso nella memoria, faccio fatica a tirare conclusione concreta per la vita… Non so se un po troppo astrato, secco il modo di esprimersi? Senza trasmettere anche il sentimento, emozione che rende piu mangiabile il contenuto? Mi pare che il testo spesso e’ un concentrato forte, che non sempre facile denucleare. GRAZIE comunque!!!!

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