Planting the roots of resilience

In October 2016 the Focolare Centre, Curryhills, hosted the second of this year’s retreat weekends for young adults. Attended by over thirty young people from across the island, the weekend gave time for meditation, spiritual contemplation and discussion.

image2The weekend took the topic of resilience for its theme, firstly exploring the word’s increasing popular usage and then its relevance to each person autonomously. The weekend began with a workshop led by Jesuit Fr. Leon Ó Giolláin, chaplain at University College Dublin, in which, after interpreting the meaning of resilience through a range of practical examples, he guided attendees through an imaginative contemplation exercise. Fr. Leon showed how God, who is at the centre of our resilience, can be met face to face every day during prayer. Following the contemplative prayer, Fr. Leon led a discussion where those in attendance shared their own experiences, thus setting the tone of this special weekend of shared thoughts and valued input.

Through practical activities led by Sofia Noguera, each young person was then shown how to become aware of all parts of their person – body, soul, and mind – and as a result understand how they react to different situations. Sofia’s workshop, followed by a meditation the following day, provided attendees with techniques to use in their daily lives so as to grow resilience within themselves.

image6In the evening the young adults were joined by Bishop Brendan Leahy of Limerick, who spoke on the topic of ‘God Is Love’ in relation to the Focolare Movement. Bishop Leahy’s talk, interspersed with examples of his personal encounter with this topic of God Is Love, was a beautiful in depth moment of unity preceding the evening’s Taize prayer vigil, which also gave the opportunity for Confession.

The following day those attending joined the parish for Sunday Mass in Prosperous, where they were welcomed by the parish priest before returning to the Focolare Centre for the conclusion of the retreat. Before leaving, each person was presented with a parcel containing two bulbs and the verse, “Those who go out weeping carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy”(Psalm 126:6) as a tangible reminder of the seed of resilience planted in each person over the course of the weekend.

The weekend was a real united sharing of experience and thought, welcoming both those unfamiliar with the Focolare and those who knew it well. Armed now with the seeds of resilience, the weekend continues with young adult groups meeting both in Belfast and Dublin as well as through social media. We look forward to the next retreat in Spring 2017!

Brónach McGuinness

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