Focolare Movement
Pope meets with Focolare Movement President Maria Voce

Pope meets with Focolare Movement President Maria Voce

©Osservatore Romano – Pope Francis welcomed Maria Voce and Giancarlo Faletti

At the end of the audience Maria Voce said, “A conversation with familiar tones. We could see the great importance the Pope gives to a Christian life of commitment and communion”. The president of the Focolare Movement continued to say, “ The life of the Gospel is of particular importance to him. He encouraged us to keep going ahead with joy, because a Christian without joy will not attain anything.So, a Christianity of commitment, communion and joy”. This meeting provided an opportunity to present the Focolare Movement and its initiatives in different parts of the world, highlighting its specific contribution in different places. Maria Voce said, “Pope Francis thanked us for the work of the Move ment all over the world”. They were able to speak about the various aspects of the Movement’s commitments:from its material and spiritual capillary action in favour of families and youth in many places in Syria to its cultural initiatives promoted in China; from its interreligious dialogue with Buddhists, Muslims and Jews to its involvement in the project “Amazzonia” launched by the Brazilian Episcopal Conference for the evangelization of this vast area; from the testimony of forgiveness and reconciliation in various African countries struck by war to the revitalization of fraternal relationships in anonymous districts of various metropolis in the West, to the enterprising initiatives in the social sphere, such as the Economy of Communion.

© Pope Francis welcomed Maria Voce

When speaking about their latest visit to Jordan, where they met the Focolare Communities of the Middle East and North Africa, Maria Voce shared with the Pope the experience of those days of tension and uncertainty. Even there, on September 7, the members of the Movement present in Amman and belonging to various churches and religions lived the day of fasting and prayers for peace. “ One could feel the Pope’s open-heartedness and his great desire to embrace all humanity through this prayer,” commented Maria Voce. “And the Middle East was present in this embrace”. Maria Voce concluded: “The Pope’s words made us realize how much he appreciates the Movements. When speaking of any situation, he remarked on how important it is that the movements sustain these situations. You can see that the Pope recognizes their ability to put the radicalness of the Gospel in the foreground”. Press Release See Rome Reports’ account of the meeting and YouTube video

Economy of Communion in Mexico

Economy of Communion in Mexico

Following the success of the first presentation and study of the Economy of Communion project, the Focolare Movement proposed a second edition of the event for anyone interseted in learning more.

The gathering took place in the Focolare’s permanent Mariapolis in Puebla, Mexico. More than a hundred people attended from the United States, Argentina, Costa Rica, Brazil, Italy and several regions of the Mexican Republic. There were a large number of young people, students and business owners, whose liveliness brought the hope of a promising future for the EoC’s development in Mexico.

This second edition of the congress, held on August 24th and 25th, the contribution of several specialists and business owners whose businesses belong to the EoC were presented.

The meeting entitled “Persons and Communion for the Establishment of a New Economy”, also featured the presence of John Mundell, member of the international commission of the EoC, who has successfully implemented the the EoC model in his own business, Mundell & Associates Inc.

This North American business owner highlighted the more than hundred businesses in the world that belong tot he EoC economic model, with a strong presence in Europe and worthwhile development in Latin America and Africa. During his presentation he gave the first launch to the The Company Cube in its Spanish version. It is a fun tool that helps to live the lifestyle of the EoC in one’s own daily life.

Argentine business owners Monica Salazar (Nogales Maderas), German Jorge (Dimaco S.A.) and Francisco Cervino (Sushi Soul), presented how they adhere to the dictates of this economic model. Then several business owners and young people from Mexico shared the challenges and concerns they daily face in their work environments, and they showed how the EoC is a key way for contributing to a more just economic order in the world.

The main aim of the Economy of Communion (EoC) is that of helping to create a more fraternal and supportive society, with businesses as the cornerstones of this endeavor. As they are consolidated, these businesses create jobs and make free decisions to put the profits in common in support of people in poverty, and the spreading of a culture of giving and communion, through the promotion of educational and cultural projects and initiatives.

Christopher Jimènez