Focolare Movement
Focolare Priests Assembly

Focolare Priests Assembly

20141021-02 Give a response, along with the entire Focolari Movement, to the demands of the Church and humanity. Experiment on new roads to go towards all, fully aware of their own identity and the specific contribution they are called to give: «The existential periphery is also our sick, the elderly, those who have abandoned the ministry… the periphery is the Church itself when it does not comply with God’s will.» This, in short is what emerged from the “five intense days, full of communion and great joy,” in the words of some who described the experience they lived at the centre of Castelgandolfo in the assembly of the priests-focolarini. The programme consisted of the approval of the  priest-focolarini statutes and mission, a one-day retreat and the report on the past six years and new prospects. There were also work group sessions on specific themes and the election of the new director. The last day was dedicated to the goals targeted for the next six years, and the dialogue with Focolari President, Maria Voce, and Co-President, Jesús Morán. The morning meditations with selected thoughts of Chiara Lubich, helped to go deeper into the specific calling of the priest-focolarino. Particular focus was given to the figure of Fr. Silvano Cola who had helped Chiara to found this branch of the Movement, when it still had to be defined. In 1965, during a first meeting with the diocesan priest-focolarini, Chiara had summarized her views on the priest-focolarino, as one who would always strive to achieve the prayer of Jesus, “Father, that all may be one,” and that «he will not rest until this becomes a reality in his parish […]. And therefore must not be content […] only with the good members of the parish who go to Church, but try to maintain a relationship with all […] and who must keep moving, and not be stagnant.» Chiara spoke about focolarini who set their lives in conformity with the Church and explained that the «priest-focolare is like that salt which has to penetrate into the diocese to make it a tasty soup, meaning to say, a “fully ‘salted’ diocese.” But if this salt remains an end in itself, it would be a nonconformity to one’s vocation. When the report on the past six years, was presented, the priorities targeted in the previous Assembly were analysed, among which was the relationship with the new generations, family life with the elderly and sick priests, and the spread of the spirituality of communion within the Church. The dialogue which followed testified to the commitment of all and mainly questioned three aspects: education, community life, and the need to go out. They were reminded of the keywords of the targets advocated by the general Assembly: go out together, and be well prepared and strongly fine-tuned to what Pope Francis said to the Focolarini in the audience of 26 September. Then followed the work groups and plenary session, during which the agenda for the next six years was laid out. 20141021-01Imbued with this reality, the assembly voted and the votes converged on Antonio Bacelar from Portugal, who said he accepted «with God’s grace, and was ready to give my life for each of you». It was a very touching moment. Fr. Antonio confided: «What I desire deeply is to discover more and more the meaning of our Marian priesthood. A lot of queries will arise like “how will things go?” We shall let God guide us, with Jesus in our midst we shall find the way. Humanly speaking, I should be overwhelmed but with you all by my side, it will be an extraordinary adventure.» To end, he remembered a citation of St. Teresa of Avila which Bacelar himself recalled the day before: «If we love, we shall accomplish much in a short time, without effort.»