Focolare Movement
Philippines: First Economy Of Communion Pan Asian Congress

Philippines: First Economy Of Communion Pan Asian Congress

EoC_Asian ConferenceInvited are all interested advocates of a different way of viewing economy and doing business that is characterized by communion, fraternity and solidarity, especially with the weakest sectors of society. The congress hopes to bring together entrepreneurs, professors, young people and members of civil society with a passion for changing the business world, understanding in depth the challenges facing Asian nations despite the unprecedented economic growth of the past years, due to a continued adherence to the capitalist model and concept of economics – and what the economy of communion can offer to make the changes more meaningful and inclusive. Economists expected to be give their inputs in the congress include members of the international commission – Luigino Bruni (Italy), Anouk Grevin (France), Lorna Gold (Ireland), Teresa Ganzon (Philippines) and Luca Crivelli (Switzerland). Invited as a guest lecturer also is Dr. Annette Pelksman-Balaoing of the University of Rotterdam, Netherlands, to give a perspective on Globalization and how it has affected Asian nations in the past decade. It is expected to draw participants from different nations in Asia, as well as Australia. Live streaming playlist 25-29 May The EOC Pan Asian Congress will also have a celebration of EOC’s 25th anniversary on May 28th, even of the actual anniversary date on the 29th. Go to the EoC Asia web-site Register: More info:

The YouTube links are: For Day 1, 25 May to Day 5, 29 May: Link to the  playlist of the whole meeting:

International Eucharistic Congress in the Philippines: Marinova’s Story

International Eucharistic Congress in the Philippines: Marinova’s Story

Marinova-01The 51st International Eucharistic Congress has been held in Cebu City, Philippines. (January 24th – 31st, 2016). The official social media coverage of the IEC 2016 scouted for meaningful life stories related to the Eucharist and published them in its facebook page (IEC2016SocialMedia). The experience of Marinova, a focolarina based in Cebu, touched them. “I was 11 years old when a big suffering came to my family. My father was killed by a group of persons who were very influential and no justice was served because we were poor. Our grandparents reminded us that true justice is found only in God! Thanks to their help I was able to finish college and got a job immediately. I became the bread winner of the family as I worked hard to help my mother. I incurred a lot of debts with loan sharks in order to bring ahead my family. Because of all these problems, an intense hatred developed in my heart for all those people who killed my father. They caused all the miseries in our life. Then I took up studies in Law because I wanted justice for the death of my father. But God had another plan for me. One of my classmates, a youth member of the Focolare Movement, invited me to a meeting of this ecclesial movement which has as its goal the fulfillment of Jesus’ prayer to the Father, ‘That they may all be one’, and strives to bring unity to the human family by translating the Gospel into life. A new adventure began in  my life. I too started putting into practice the words of Jesus. He said: ‘Love and I will manifest myself to you. ‘Whatever you do to the least of your brethren you do it unto me.’ I became addicted to this new drug: LOVE… I found the essence and true meaning of my life and for the first time I felt that Jesus in the Eucharist was the source of it all. One day I asked Jesus to teach me how to live concretely his word ‘Love your enemy’, since I felt that hatred for those who killed my father still enveloped me.  And indeed the following day, at work, I met by chance the leader of the group.  Spontaneously I greeted him with a smile and asked him how everyone in his family was. I saw that this greeting was a great surprise for him. I was even more surprised by what I was did. Little by little I felt that the hatred  within me was melting and was slowly being transformed into love! But that was only the first step! Love is creative! I felt that each one in the group should feel that we had forgiven him. Together with one of my brothers, we visited them trying to re-build our relationship and to make them understand that God loves them!  It came to a point that one of them asked for forgiveness for what he had done and in turn asked for prayers for his family and his health. I knew clearly that this experience of forgiveness and healing was the transforming power of Jesus in the Eucharist.”.