Youth who want to spend their energies in their own community
In Argentina, the first school of formation in politics for the youth, promoted by the Political Movement for Unity, has been launched in 9 cities. Thanks to the internet, the project operates simultaneously in Buenos Aires, Cordoba, Rosario, José C. Paz, Avellaneda, La Plata, Mar del Plata, Bahia Blanca, and Neuquen. 140 young people have been attending these courses in political formation since last May; they expect from politics the fulfillment of a dream: a united world, while exploring the concrete facts that could make it happen. They are youth who want to spend their energies in their own community.

How the courses are run
The school’s objective is to offer the instruments that render possible collective and innovative action in the social and political fields, by means of courses that are held in the participants’ respective cities. The course consists of discussions, differentiated projects concerned with local action, and seminars for all the students, twice a year. The students gather in their respective cities guided by an instructor, and interact virtually with the other professors and communities.

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