The Genfest enters your home: an explosion of colours, music and life going against the current will overwhelm every corner of the Earth, invading the internet with Twitter, mail, photos, extending the Arena in real time! Participate in the Genfest by launching yourself in the Budapest Arena through live streaming!

Here is the programme!

  • Friday 31 August:

7:30 pm   Hungarian welcome and an international concert in the arena (transmitted via internet)

  • Saturday 1 September:

10:30 am – 12:30 pm   programme in the arena (transmitted via internet)

3:30 – 5:00 pm   programme in the arena (transmitted via internet)

9:00 – 10:00 pm (approximately) flashmob on the Chain bridge (we’ll communicate via cell phones/mobiles, twitter, facebook, and maybe there will also be live streaming!!!!)

  • 2 September:

10:30 am:

In the square of the Basilica of Saint Stephen, in the city centre, a Catholic Mass will be celebrated by Cardinal Péter Erdő, archbishop of Budapest.

At the same time, in the various Christian churches present in the city, there will be liturgical celebrations for members of the respective churches.

For the participants of other faiths and of non-religious convictions, there will be moments of sharing for them, which will take place in a place near the basilica.

12 noon:  final greeting and time-out for peace

(from 10:00 am to 12.30 pm, it will be transmitted by the Hungarian TV via satellite)

The Genfest throughout the world: organize yourself with your friends and bring the Genfest to your city! Join in the flashmob on the Chain bridge and send us your photos, pictures and mail from the bridge in your city! It will be a worldwide flashmob that will cry out to the world that universal brotherhood is already underway and begins from your home!

For further information write to:

The Genfest 2012 project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


  • La Commissione Europea non poteva non cogliere la straordinaria importanza – non solo simbolica – di quest’evento.
    Ormai è sotto gli occhi di tutti la certezza che il pianeta Terra non può più vivere così frantumato, né sul piano economico né su quello politico.
    Ma soltanto la cultura dell’unità – nata in ambiente ebraico ed europeo (Grecia e Roma) e sviluppatasi nei secoli – può portare al mondo quella comunione nella distinzione “trinitaria”, di cui l’intera umanità e la sua stessa casa terrena necessitano: ormai anche solo per sopravvivere!
    Penso che anche il Parlamento Europeo dovrebbe mettere in agenda, come primissimo impegno in ordine d’importanza, non solo la pienissima integrazione europea – dall’Atlantico agli Urali! -, ma anche ogni iniziativa utile a costruire al più presto un Mondo Unito in un’unica grande Democrazia, in cui ogni cultura, etnia, religione, e sani pensieri creativi siano ascoltati e valorizzati al massimo. Sconfiggendo definitivamente la guerra la fame e l’inquinamento ambientale e – per quanto possibile, data la nostra fragilità – la corruzione morale.

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