SMU 2019_MariapoliLuminosa

Focolare youth commit to a new economy, new justice

Seventy young people gathered in the U.S. for one of the international events that is part of World Unity Week 2019. It was the first of the six “Pathways for a United World” launched by the Focolare’s young people, focused on work and economy, and also opened up the next one on peace, law and justice. ... Read More
Silvio Daneo copertina

At home in many different countries

With his profound knowledge of Asia, where he lived for almost 30 years, learning to speak several languages, Silvio Daneo who died recently, has given a unique contribution to the inter-religious dialogue of the Focolare Movement and beyond. His later years were dedicated to helping the lonely and those on the margins of society. He is buried in the cemetery at Loppiano, Italy. ... Read More