Focolare Movement

Living the Gospel: “Live in peace and the God of love and peace will be with you” (2 Cor. 13:11)

Letting God dwell in us: this is the starting point to safeguard and give joyful witness of the inestimable value of unity and peace, in charity and truth; to enrich ourselves and be seeds of goodness and brotherhood for the world. Without measuring hatred I live in a Ukrainian town on the border with Slovakia. We are not being bombed but we experience the terrible consequences of the war: displaced people with all their needs, the demand for torches and candles, medicines, blankets… A great darkness has descended on our land. News about people who betray others, of those who get rich in these terrible situations, of those who exploit others are the order of the day: when it triumphs, evil has no rules, no limits. But in spite of everything, something else happens: the people here feel involved in the pain of others and look for solutions. The need for warmth, protection and solidarity has returned to families. I witness this paradox of a war of evil and of the triumph of good. We tell the story of Chiara Lubich and her first followers: they too began during a war and they did not measure hatred, but turned on good and then spread everywhere. The forces of evil will not prevail. Our gratitude is a true prayer that rises to heaven like a song of praise to the God who is Love. (S.P. – Ukraine) A chain of love In the waiting room of my shop, the customers usually exchange news and since I hadn’t seen Mrs. Adele, an elderly woman who sometimes came to us, for a long time, I asked one of them for her news. So I learned that Adele was seriously ill and, driven by the desire to see her again, one day I decided to visit her. I found Mrs. Adele, alone and without relatives, completely abandoned. I immediately I circulated a request for help, looking for someone who could keep her company.  Three clients responded immediately. A kind of competition started until one of their sons worked hard to get her admitted to a home that provided assistance and care. I too volunteered to give my services as a hairdresser, not only for Adele but for anyone. Adele’s story has shown me that it is enough to begin with concrete acts of charity; the chain of love then unfolds quickly and effectively. (F.D.R. – Italy) A School of Solidarity In the desert, outside the city of Egypt where I live, there are 1000 people with leprosy. Until a few years ago no one knew about this colony. We went to check the situation and found that they lacked everything. No doctors visited them.  We contacted Carita and we opened our group to other young Christians and Muslims with whom we go there on our days off work. Two of us are medical students and are in charge of medical care, so they brushed up on the methods of treatment for leprosy. Others gave their time to paint the houses and make them more comfortable. A young journalist has published some articles in various newspapers and magazines in order to inform as many people as possible and raise awareness of the problem. Above all, we realized that the patients of this colony need someone to listen to them, which for them is almost more important than medicine. This experience has become a real school for us: it has made us understand how each of us can give our contribution for others. (H.F.S.- Egypt)

compiled by Maria Grazia Berretta

(taken from The Gospel of the Day, New City, year IX – no. 1 May-June 2023)

Living the Gospel: peace that frees

The life of Jesus brings us the wonderful message of God’s mercy, Love that envelops and forgives everything. Building peace means putting it into practice in everyday life, to discover the beauty of a gift that revives people and makes them free. And there was peace My sister had been fighting with a friend for months. I invited her to my house one day to try and help her make peace. Before she arrived, however, I told my granddaughter Sandra, aged eight, about the problem and asked her to help me. She gladly said yes. I went straight to the point with my sister, but there was nothing to be done, she did not intend to forgive. Before leaving, she approached Sandra who was playing, asked her about the school, if she had learned to write: “Yes, if you give me a page, I’ll show you.” She casually wrote something. When my sister read it, she immediately became thoughtful and her eyes filled with tears. Sandra had written this sentence: “To live the art of loving you have to love everyone, be the first to love, love your enemies…” My sister said “I needed her to tell me what I should have done a long time ago!” and immediately she went to make up with her friend. (N.G. – Cameroon) Forgiveness that heals When I was nineteen, my father abandoned us and the pain and resentment of this accompanied me for years. As if to make up for that emptiness, when I got married, Nat and I always tried to keep our family together. Our children absorbed this atmosphere of love to the point that, when my husband was anxious, lost his patience and raised his voice, it was touching to see how the children, not at all frightened, embraced him, almost to appease his agitation. Their tenderness towards their father helped to dissolve the anger I felt towards my father; the wound I still had because of  the suffering of that  abandonment began to heal. Then one day I strongly felt the urge to forgive my father. I did it deep in my heart, but that wasn’t enough. So I talked to Nat about it, and together we went to find him. We found him and even thought I was shaking, I was able to make peace with him, also on behalf of the others in my family. I will never forget the feeling of serenity and freedom experienced on that occasion. (N.M.A. – Philippines) Laundry I live in a neighbourhood of houses separated from each other only by a wall on which we usually hang out our clothes to dry. One day, realizing that my neighbour’s laundry was already dry, I asked her son to remove it because I had to clothes to dry too. They took offence and started cursing. There were two plants on that wall that I had grown with great care. In the evening I heard a thud. When I went to see what was happening,  I realized that my neighbours were dropping the second vase. Inside I felt myself seething with indignation, but the words about the land belonging to the meek came to me so I said to myself: “It doesn’t matter”. When my mother-in-law saw that I was not reacting, she said to  me: “Give me the cane, I’m going to teach them a lesson”. I had to persuade her to be patient too. The situation remained tense for some time. Then one day, to our surprise, the neighbour knocked on our door. There was no water in  her house and she asked if she could do her washing in our house. It was an opportunity to reconnect and in welcoming it, I realized how much she had changed. (R. – Pakistan)

Edited by Maria Grazia Berretta

(taken from Il Vangelo del Giorno, Città Nuova, year VIII, n.2, May-June 2022)

Living the Gospel: the courage to make peace

To be peacemakers means to act with generosity, be in solidarity with those around us, go beyond and open paths that allow us to get closer to others ­– so they feel embraced as they are.  Not just any cake A Muslim family lives in our building. For their feast at the end of Ramadan, we thought we would wish them well and bring them a cake (we had heard that this is the custom). Since they were not at home, we wrote a note and placed it and a package in front of their door. Later we met up with them. They had been away for the festivities, and upon returning had joyfully found the small gift. With a big smile, the husband thanked us, saying: ‘We have been in Switzerland for 25 years, and no one has ever wished us well. We were very, very pleased.’ In my heart, the joy doubled. Adriana, Switzerland First a sandwich, then a hundredfold I only had enough money in my pocket for one sandwich. As I left the sandwich shop, I noticed a lady looking hopefully at all those who were eating. She was certainly hungry and waiting for someone to offer. Since I could eat something later at home, I took my sandwich and gave it to her, making her happy. Then I took her to a greengrocer, whom I asked if he could give her some fruit that I would pay for the next day. Instead he handed her a bag of fruit, free of charge. I was so happy to see how a hundredfold can come from a sandwich. M., India One coffee was all it took After returning from a holiday, I was in for a surprise at work: a new employee, having completed his apprenticeship, had been placed in the same office as me. It wasn’t because he had invaded ‘my’ space, but from the very first moment I found him to be an unpleasant person because of his mannerisms, his talking about everything and everyone… Would I be able to work with him? And to think that I had returned refreshed, above all in spirit. In fact, with the whole family, I had participated in a retreat based on how to live the Gospel in everyday life. And here I was put to the test, working elbow to elbow with that ‘difficult’ guy. I was wondering how to love someone like that when an aroma of coffee came to me from afar… Idea! Without delay, I went to get two, one for myself and for him. Surprised by the unexpected gesture, my colleague asked, ‘How did you know I needed coffee of all things?’ Laughing, I joked that I was a fortune teller. From that simple act of kindness things changed, and we became truly friends afterwards. J. M., Spain

Edited by Maria Grazia Berretta

(From Il Vangelo del Giorno, Città Nuova, year VII, n.4, November–December 2021)

Living the Gospel: “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God” (Mt 5:9)

Building peace is like being on a construction site, where there is always work to be done, and  we are all called to “do” our part. Peace is not just the absence of war or an abstract concept; it is something we build together, facing all difficulties and starting from our own small surroundings. Another Rob Rob left home after an argument between us that seemed to be the end of our marriage. Two years  passed since he left and I had  no news of him. I only got to know from his parents that he was auditioning for films and that he started to get involved in the film industry. When he came back from Italy, disappointed and penniless, he looked like a whipped dog. He cried and  asked me to forgive him. The man I had loved, esteemed and chosen as my life companion now seemed a stranger, a failure. Where has all his pride gone? And the beauty that was his pride? As with regards to me,  during the time my husband was away,  I came closer to  faith and started basing my life on values I had neglected. When he came back, I felt as if  God was testing my faith, but I managed to feel even stronger. Now he too has found a new peace, and  together we are discovering a new way of life.  I feel as if I am beginning to know another Rob. (R. H. – Switzerland) Building unity During a telematic working meeting, there were members from different countries in my group. After various presentations, someone imprudently ventured to define others politically,  with overtones of nationalism and fascism. The tension that arose eventually degenerated into an outrageous exchange of words. As a journalist who had travelled extensively and also studied the history of the countries in question, my opinion was quite different from those who relied on hearsay and media reports. That day’s session was a real failure. The next day, preparing for another working group, I made it a point of highlighting in each participant only those elements that build and not those that divide. Things turned out to be quite different, so much so that when it was my turn to intervene, everyone felt valued. Hence a reflection: even just by only keeping silent, one can become either an accomplice to disintegration or a constructive and unifying element. It costs dearly to realise Jesus’ dream “That all may be one”. (G.M. – Hungary) In silence At hospital, I had to do night shift work with another doctor. He was not a practising Christian, and seeing that I attended mass almost every day, very often he made fun of me. Our shift lasted all night, but he would leave at the end of the evening, and this meant a lot of more work for me. In spite of this, I tried to keep an open attitude towards him, without judgement, for a month, two months…. One day he expressed the desire to join me for Mass  (“During these months, I have learned many things from the way you love in silence”). Since then, he does not only see to  his duties fully but he also sees that I do not overtire myself during the night. (Bashar – Iraq)

Edited by Maria Grazia Berretta

(from  Il Vangelo del Giorno, Città Nuova, year VII, n.4, NovemberDecember 2021)

Living the Gospel: our contribution towards peace

When we live the Word we are bound to go out of ourselves and meet our brothers and sisters with love. We start  with the ones closest to us: in our cities, our families, wherever we are in everyday life. This  friendship becomes a network of positive relationships, that aims at living the commandment of mutual love, which  builds fraternity. Finding the right words My two children, seven and five years old respectively, were out playing without any thought of danger. I was not quick enough to reach them, when a grenade exploded and both were bleeding. We picked them up and ran off to  hospital. I felt a great turmoil inside me: dismay, fear, pain ….. but I had to take care of the children and instil peace in their hearts. My son had splinters in his head and he had to be operated on immediately; my daughter was not in such a bad state. At night, I watched over their bedside. Every now and then they complained and had nightmares: “Why did they do this to us?” I looked for the right words to explain to them that the one who threw the grenade was someone who had suffered a lot, who might have no parents, and who just wanted to destroy the weapons on our side… When the children dozed off, I began to pray. I entrusted them to God while I prayed that they would be free from any hatred in their hearts. Decades passed since that painful episode, and today my son considers it as an incentive to contribute towards world peace. (R. S. – Lebanon) Change of apartment When we asked the owner of the apartment where we were staying for permission to make some renovations at our expense, she said nothing about her intention of selling the flat. Of course, when we finished the work and came to know about her decision, we felt bad and betrayed. Moreover, the new owner asked for a much higher rent. So, from one day to the next, we found ourselves on the street. But we trusted in providence; we were certain that God would not abandon us. In fact, shortly afterwards, we were offered a possibility that fitted our family needs even better. But the most important thing was to have no hard feelings and maintain a good relationship with the former landlady. We could feel that she was sorry about what happened, even though she did not express it outrightly. We were friends again and forgot all about the past. (E.V. – Turkey) Disorder I am enrolled in the Faculty of Psychology and I live with other colleagues in the students’ quarters. When we do not go to the canteen, we share the use of a common kitchen. One of us, who is quite messy, never bothers to clean the kitchen after making use of it. This morning when I went to the kitchen to make myself a coffee, I found that there was a big mess. He had guests the night before and he did not bother to clear up. I wasn’t the only one to notice the disorder in our kitchen. Someone, who was furious about it, suggested that we should leave everything until our colleague realizes it and does something about it. However, shortly after when I went back to my room to study, I was not at peace with myself; the thought of the mess in the kitchen kept coming back to me…  What should I do?  Should I teach a lesson or do an act of love? I wasted no time, I went back to the kitchen and started clearing up: I washed glasses and dishes,  I took the garbage out …..  When I returned to my room, it seemed that I could understand better what I was reading. Life with others is a form of education that completes the lessons I listen to at university. (G. T. – France)

Edited by Stefania Tanesini

(see  Il Vangelo del Giorno, Città Nuova, anno VI, n.3, April–May  2020)