Solid Parents for a Liquid Society

Solid Parents for a Liquid Society

Family: Light for Humanity was the motto of the meeting for families at Mendoza, on Saturday 27th May , for the 50 th. Anniversary of the New Families Movement.

19 July 1967 – New Families Turns Fifty

19 July 1967 – New Families Turns Fifty

New Families was founded on July 19, 1967 by Chiara Lubich, who called it “an explosive, apostolic and diffusive” movement, which is now active around the world answering to the needs of the family.



Ethel and Angelito De Guzman answered three questions about the Art of Loving and described how their life as a couple changed when they began to live reciprocal love. Firstly they accepted their differences, then they tried to listen to the interior voice and grow in unity as a couple and as a family with their three children.

Paraguay, witnesses of Unity

Paraguay, witnesses of Unity

An update from the families of Paraguay where the year dedicated to “Chiara Lubich and the family” has started.


Events around the world – Maps

The interactive map of events that have taken place and will take place in the world in this year when we draw the heritage that Chiara left us on the family.
