A new way of seeing and living life.

A new way of seeing and living life.

Aureliana and Julian live in Lambare, Paraguay. They have been married for 30 years, have 5 children and two grandchildren and participated the “Loreto School” in Mariapolis Lía, in O’Higgins, Argentina in 2019.

The beauty of the family

The beauty of the family

Broken families, divorced couples, people in subsequent relationships, or living together – what’s the best attitude to have towards these situations? New Families is committed to married couples and families in crisis.

Meet us in the wounds

Meet us in the wounds

“Paths of light”, ten years of an initiative at the service of couples.

Taking care of each other among families

Taking care of each other among families

Often signals of tension that are not given attention, and therefore not handled, can lead to serious family crises. How can we promptly decipher them and intervene so that they may become resources for the couple?
