Laudato Si’ – A platform for caring for our common home.

We are responding to the call of Laudato Si’. With profound care for each other, our Creator, and all creation, we are building a better future together.

Laudato Si’ has set us on the road to a better future, one in which the entire family of creation praises and honors the Creator.
Laudato Si’ Plans help you discern and implement your response to Laudato Si’.
The plans include reflection resources, guidance on impactful activities to reach the Laudato Si’ Goals, and personalized reports on your progress.
Laudato Si’ Plans support your institution’s, community’s, or family’s “ecological conversion,” helping you deepen your understanding of our relationships with
the Creator, creation, and each other. As you deepen your understanding, the plans empower you to put your principles into practice through concrete
Laudato Si’ Plans can be adapted to your needs and your special charism. They offer personalized tracking and recognition of your progress.

We whole-heartedly invite you to register on the platform and commit yourself to the care of creation !!!

Laudato Sì Action Platform

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