The Human Voyage of Self-Discovery


Congratulations to Fr. Brendan Purcell, who was honoured with the publication of the of a collection of essays: The Human Voyage of Self-Discovery: Essays in Honour of Brendan Purcell. It  was launched in UCD by Professor Teresa Iglesias on August 14th. Edited by Bishop Brendan Leahy and Professor David Walsh, the book contains a collection of short articles from a number of leading scholars, which investigate the mystery of human origin and explore the drama of human existence – themes that have been explored extensively by Brendan Purcell in his work.

The contributors include Thomas Norris, the current spiritual director at the Irish College in Rome; Eoin Cassidy, head of the philosophy department at the Mater Dei Institute of Education and the new Bishop of Limerick, Dr Brendan Leahy, who also co-edited the volume

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