A declaration by Maria Voce, President of the Focolare Movement, after the recent massacres that took place in Paris, Nigeria and Pakistan

A declaration by Maria Voce, President of the Focolare Movement, after the recent massacres that took place in Paris, Nigeria and Pakistan

Rome, January 17, 2015
One asks today, after the murderous attacks in Paris and the massacres in Nigeria and Pakistan, whether there is need for dialogue between people of different religions and cultures. I beg to reverse the question and ask: can we live without dialogue in a globalized world? On our planet, besides an increase in […]

Stir the Embers!!! Advent Talks in Dublin

Stir the Embers!!! Advent Talks in Dublin

Just as the embers in a fire need to be raked from time to time to prevent the fire from going out, our spiritual life needs reviving too!
When better than Advent 2014?

What is Collegamento CH?

What is Collegamento CH?

As of this month, a video conference which periodically reunites the family of the Focolare Movement worldwide, is made accessible through a dedicated website.


Dublin Community go walking on St. Patrick’s Day

Further to our lively and enjoyable Dublin Day on the 23rd Feb, we just want to follow through on one suggestion that came out during the afternoon- to go on a walk together so some of us are going along to Marley park at 11am. on St Patricks day,  We heard about this walk through Rosaleen Glennon and it gives […]

New Families 26th January

New Families 26th January

The first New Families’ meeting of 2014 took place on Sunday 26th January. These bimonthly get togethers fill the Focolare Centre in Curryhills with a great buzz as adults and children of all ages engage in their various programmes and activities in an atmosphere of caring and good humour as in various ways each person tries to live out the Gospel law of love. A big thanks goes to Fr. Eddie Moore for coming along to celebrate Mass with us.
