Focolare Movement
Thanking those who dream of a united world

Thanking those who dream of a united world

PRS-20170930-da_Castelgandolfo_a_tutti30th September 2017

Dear all, During our international meeting at Castel Gandolfo, we have been able to see all that the charism of unity is doing in the world and deepen our identity as the Work of Mary. At the end of the meeting, we felt a great desire to reach out to each one of you who, in various ways, have adhered to and live the Ideal and who, in the most varied situations, make your own contribution to building up fragments of fraternity wherever you are. We realised there are so many people to whom we owe gratitude and recognition, since you have loved, suffered and given your life to build up this reality. From the depths of our hearts, we want to say a huge thank you to everyone, without forgetting those who, while not considering themselves an active part of the Movement today, continue to live their daily lives motivated by Chiara’s same Ideal. We are certain that Mary, Mother of the Movement and of us all, will help us go forward together on the journey towards the unity of the human family, as witnesses to her love, wherever we are. Considering all of us, in all we are doing and living, as little knots in a great net, we embrace you all.

Emmaus and everyone



Maria Voce’s visit to Malta

Maria Voce’s visit to Malta

Photo 02-05-2017, 09 36 54The visit (2-7 May) began with the participation on Monday, 2nd May, in the seminar promoted byCommunion and Law,” entitled, “Law as a means for integration in a multicultural society,” held in a meeting hall at the Presidential Palace, together with around 70 experts in the fields of immigration, education and employment. Among them were representatives of the Maltese Commission for refugees, representatives of the IOM and EASO Malta, Arnold Cassola, President of the Alternative Democratic Party (Alternattiva Demokratika), as well as law teachers and students. In her speech Maria Voce affirmed that the law can became an instrument for integration in society if we overcome an exclusively formal vision, and focus on the concept of Law as an indispensable means for contributing to the creation of a reality of communion in society.” Citing the Together for Europe experience, born from an inspiration of Chiara Lubich, she talked about the actions that “appear like a prophetic sign of what Europe can become if its citizens will share more, the common experience that goes beyond the different cultures and ecclesiastical faiths,” and thus be a voice of “a Europe which, based on its own roots, opens out without fear to those who ask to be accepted and knows that the blend of peoples that have composed it for centuries can in turn blend with other peoples that will contribute to its development.”  Each speech was backed by concrete initiatives, like the TANDEM project – presented by Apollos Pedro from Biafra, but a resident in Italy – which promotes peace and dialogue, giving people of different nationalities and religions the chance to live together. Photo A. Dimech - © CSC Audiovisivi - 04-05-2017, 18 23 39On 4th May, Maria Voce met with the President of the Republic of Malta, Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca, to whom she recounted the various branches of the Focolare Movement in Malta, and in particular the activities of New Humanity and the initiatives of the teenagers and young people. The President showed great interest and in the end, greeted the youth with a warm embrace. The Focolare is like a vitamin boost. The art of loving is a precursor to positive peace in a world that is increasingly narcissistic and egocentric.”  The children then presented her with the “Dice of love”. The Focolare President had been invited by the Malta Diocese, through its Ecumenical Commission, on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of its foundation. In this context, on 5th May, Maria Voce was received by the Archbishop C.J. Scicluna.  Immediately afterwards, in the presence of 300 participants, she gave a conference on the topic “Dialogue or Dialogues – A Way of Life”. Photo A. Dimech - © CSC Audiovisivi - 05-05-2017, 19 36 16Also present were the Archbishop, the President of the Ecumenical Commission, the Vicar General, the Secretary of the Nunciature of Malta, the Nuncio of the Ivory Coast (of Maltese origin), a representative of the Romanian Orthodox Church, two members of the “Robert Schuman Centre for European Studies” and several members of ecclesial organisations. In tracing the rich history of the Movement’s ecumenical commitment, Maria Voce explained that the method of dialogue which Chiara Lubich promoted is love, “a dialogue between people, not between ideologies of systems of thought. She said that this must necessarily be supported and substantiated by mercy, compassion, and charity, summarised in the Golden Rule present in every culture and religion: Do to others whatever you wish others to do to you (Mt 7:12).” “The only way to ease the way to unity in truth is that of bowing before the others in the attitude of washing their feet (cf Jn 13) instead of telling them off. We need a lot of patience and humbleness.”  Lastly, she presented the Ottmaring Declaration, published in Germany last 21 February, in which the Focolare Movement undertakes a greater ecumenical commitment. In the end, the Archbishop thanked Maria Voce for the work of the Focolare Movement in “arousing in people the thirst for unity.” He also recalled a phrase of Paul VI: “the world listens more to witnesses than to teachers.” Read about the Focolare in Malta

Maria Voce in Malta

Maria Voce in Malta

Schedule of meetings malta-1-600x3382 May: Maria Voce, President of the Focolare Movement, will be the guest of honour at a seminar organised by Communion & Law entitled “Law as a Tool for Integration in a Multicultural Society” at San Anton Palace, Attard, with the participation of experts from various fields of immigration, education and employment. 4 May: Meeting with the President of the Republic of Malta, Her Excellency Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca. 5 May: Meeting with the Archbishop of Malta, Monsignor C.J. Scicluna. Maria Voce was invited by the Diocese of Malta, through its Ecumenical Commission, on the 40th anniversary of its founding. In that context, she will hold a public conference entitled “Dialogue or Dialogues? A Way of Life”. 7 May: The opening ceremony of the State of Europe Forum entitled “Towards a Europe of Hope, Healing and Hospitality” will take place at the Anglican Cathedral of St. Paul,  and will thereafter proceed in a procession to the Catholic Co-Cathedral of St John, where Maria Voce and the Archbishop of Malta, Monsignor C.J. Scicluna, will address those present.

Kenya: Maria Voce’s views on Law in Contemporary society

Kenya: Maria Voce’s views on Law in Contemporary society

Giving law a human face and seeking justice founded on the values of fraternity. This was Maria Voce’s strong message, as a lawyer herself and President of the Focolare Movement, addressing an audience of 300 people gathered on the 25th of May at the Faculty of Law at the Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA) in Nairobi, Kenya. Her audience was composed of students studying law and social sciences, professors, members of the Faculty and staff of the University. In her talk “Law in contemporary society” Maria Voce explained how through the evolution of society, correct behaviour had become organised in systems within communities, and as states achieved political identity these systems were incorporated in their Constitutions, codes and other laws. According to the President of the Focolare, with the coming of Christianity, “a superior law come to the fore as a reference point. It is a law that comes from God, who is Just and was given to humanity through Jesus. It is the law of love.”


© CSC Audiovisivi – Verônica Farias

Maria Voce then dwelt on the development of the African legal system where she observed that “there is a very strong communitarian tendency in which the individual is never considered in an isolated way, but always as a member of a community (family, clan, bloodline or tribe) to which the person owes duties of responsibility and from which they receive help, support and protection.” She affirmed, furthermore, that the spirituality of communion lived by Focolare members is beginning to influence the building up of the social fabric and the rules that govern human communities. To explain this she referred to a few points of the spirituality of unity. The first is the discovery of God who is Love. “This understanding led us to practise the “greater righteousness”. If justice is to give to each his own – we said to ourselves – since everything belongs to God, give everything to God and you will be righteous!” The second is the commitment to do the Will of God which “leads us to discovering the foundation of legality, understood as consistency between what we do and the fundamental choice that we have made, the choice of God-Love.” And the third: love of neighbour. For Maria Voce, “We cannot ignore this if we wish to actively recognise the dignity of each person and their inviolable rights.”

© CSC Audiovisivi – Verônica Farias

Speaking of mutual love, she reminded her audience that “human persons are social by nature and need other people just as the others need them.” She added that “mutual love is the law of collaboration which, by enabling us to discover each person as a gift of love, is the cement of society and the equilibrium of law.” She ended saying, “We are encouraged by the experience of the Movement which seems like the proof of a hypothesis about life woven from personal relationships founded on the principle of unity. It witnesses that it is possible to establish a legal system based on the new commandment as the fundamental law for relations between people.” After her talk, the Dean of the Faculty of Law, Dr Maurice Owuor, emphasised the relevance of Maria Voce’s speech explaining that “love is a value that can sustain our laws.”  He affirmed that “we should place greater emphasis on educating citizens to values such as love, fraternity and obeying the law not out of fear of sanctions but because it is a good thing in itself.” There followed an open forum for comments and questions.  In answer to a question regarding the effects of justice on the common good, Maria Voce affirmed, “it is not the law that contributes to the common good, but the person who contributes to promoting just laws.” And she left the students with a challenge: “My hope is that many of you can work to establish many good laws.”

Willy Niyansaba

Complete text of Maria Voce’s address: Law and Contemporary Society

The world is tending towards unity: A socio-political view point

The world is tending towards unity: A socio-political view point

2015-09-22-Delegati-intervista-Prodi-Ferrara-T-Klann9 (1)“We can react to this situation through forms of reorganization, even if they are not perfect, but which bring together countries and people from various fields. Our problem in Europe is one of an imperfect unity, but we must keep going with it. And in the context of the migrant crisis we feel that unity is essential to our future,” states Roman Prodi, twice Prime Minister of Italy and former President of the European Commission. As an economist, academic and politician, he gave an interview during the meeting for Focolare regional delegates. He continues, “We must build up reasons for hope in ways that will be different in different parts of the world. We need energy that comes from the base. Instead, in the Middle East we need the major world powers to dialogue with each other because otherwise nothing will be resolved.” The interview took place on 21 September, at the Mariapolis Centre in Castel Gandolfo, during the second week of the convention. The session was entitled: The world is tending towards unity: a socio-political viewpoint. While the subject matter is complex, it’s very much in tune with, and integrated into, the theme of unity which is the focus this year for the Focolare Movement and which has been dealt with throughout the program. 2015-09-22-Delegati-intervista-Prodi-Ferrara-T-Klann18Together with Romano Prodi at the interview was session was Pasquale Ferrara, a diplomat, Secretary-General of the European University Institute in Florence, who is involved in academic activities and research in the field of international relations. He commented, “One point we should reflect on is that globalization has positive effects. The problem about globalisation is that it is not universal. Globalisation is about seeking to extend one economic model, liberal economics, to the whole world. On the political level it is the effort to spread liberal democracy.” He went on to invite everyone to “listen to the needs of all peoples in the world” because “peoples can’t be categorised into Series A and Series B. There can’t be members of the Security Council and then all the rest. We must take account of all the needs expressed by all peoples.” The solution he proposed: “To start from the foundations, building up civil and international society. We have too much trust in institutions, governments, organizations and authorities, which are of course important. But in many situations, especially in societies that are internally divided in their own countries, and which need to work through processes of reconciliation for example, it is vital that this work starts from interpersonal and inter-community relations. Those who do this should know that they are actually doing actually political, civil, social and institutional reconstruction.” The dialogue session, held in the presence of audience composed of representatives from the whole world, was stimulating. Each of those present had their own expectations, challenges and inner resources. The two political experts were able to give documented insights into the current global socio-political situation, which is both complex and ever-changing. It was a contribution which enriched the reflection deeply felt by those who embrace the ideals of the Focolare Movement and who wish to work towards universal brotherhood and the building peace.

Video in Italian – transcript in English