A tri-monthly magazine for those who work in all levels in the ecclesial ambit, in synergy with between the Work of Mary and the Città Nuova Publishing Group. What is it about? «Pathways of communion and dialogue» is the subtitle that reveals the style that characterizes the contents.


Their aim was bold and daring: to give life to a new magazine that would express and be at the service of an ecclesial commitment, not just of some branches but of the whole Movement. It will be Ekklesía. Sentieri di comunione e dialogo (Pathways of communion and dialogue)  which will be out at the end of this year.

This new magazine from the Città Nuova Publishing House is aimed at being a «source of inspiration, an instrument of formation and an aid to action» not only for those who know the Charism of Unity, but also for many people committed to a Church that is going out, in tune with the Second Vatican Council, with the guidelines of the pontificate of Pope Francis and with the ecumenical experience.

Carlos García Andrade, Hubertus Blaumeiser


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