Header Homs

Homs is the first city visited by the President and Co-president of the Focolare Movement during their journey to Syria, and there they met the small community that chose not to abandon the city during the civil war. These people now contribute towards the rebuilding of their country.

“People around us think we are weak when we respond to hatred with love; this is neither easy to bear nor to pass on to our children. But they do not know that love is the most powerful weapon”. This was the most overwhelming answer received when we asked about the great challenges these people have to face.

Homs 2And it was confirmed by a young mother from Homs, the third largest city in Syria that was amongst the worst hit during the war. Homs was the first city that Maria Voce and Jesús Moran, president and co-president of the Focolare Movement visited on their journey to this region where one can still note the scars of war, but also perceive the attempts to resurrect the city after years of conflict.

On the afternoon of May 1, about fifteen members, who form part of the oldest Focolare Community in Syria, gathered at the Jesuit Centre. They were very happy to meet the president and co-president of the Movement, who went there to get to know them, to comfort them and give them hope, as Maria Voce said before leaving for Syria.

But during this first meeting one could already witness a change of roles; these people, who chose to remain in Syria despite great risks, were the ones offering hope, joy and courage to the ones who were lucky to meet them.

They related very clearly and authentically about the hard times they lived during the war. Many of them lost all their belongings, but they kept alive their faith in God who is Love, whilst witnessing it in a daily life shattered with bombs, destruction and death.

Homs 3One of them said: “Through our way of life, we try to be a living Gospel, because the Focolare spirituality has implanted in us a different seed. Those who accompany us have taken good care of this seed which seems to be bearing fruit because people around us realize that there is something different”.

And it is not just a question of remaining in the same situation or of having the courage to rebuild one’s own life. Many, who are members of this small community of about fifty people, are now engaged in projects that have been set up to help their people: support to cancer patients, physiotherapeutic and psychological support to those who are victims of war trauma, ethical formation courses to primary and secondary school students.

Touched by the life of this community, Maria Voce said to them: “You have kept the flame of the Gospel alive. You have understood one the most fundamental points of our spirituality; you have realized that the secret of true love lies in the love for Jesus crucified and forsaken. This meeting with you has really been a grace for us”.

Joachim Schwind


  • Thanks to Emmaus and Jesus for such a great and courageous move. You have given courage and hope to the people you met in Syria and ignited their fire to continue loving one another. We pray for peace to prevail in Syrian and the people of Syria live happily at their homes. Its unfortunate to see such humanitarian suffering continue to affect our brothers. We pray to our mother Mary queen of peace continue accompanying them.

  • Che testimonianza stupenda! Grazie davvero a ciascuna e ciascuno di voi.
    In risposta alla vostra vita farò di tutto per essere più coerente con la scelta che ho fatto tanti anni fa di mettere in pratica la vita del Vangelo. GRAZIE!

  • MERCI de votre témoignage … Si aujourd’hui, il y a tant de fruits dans dans l’Oeuvre dans le monde, c’est en grande partie grâce à votre fidelité envers GA!

    Tout ce que vous avez fait, c’est témoigner que les paroles de Jésus dans l’Évangile sont vraies et vivables, et que ce que Chiara nous a dit et nous a donné est non seulement prophétique pour les siècles à venir, mais c’est aussi le seul moyen possible de faire face aux défis d’aujourd’hui.
    Vous aussi, comme les premiers chrétiens, vous êtes cette petit graine où le Saint-Esprit répandra une nouvelle culture, celle de la paix et de l’unité, non seulement en Syrie, mais dans tout le Moyen-Orient.

    Je me joins à Emmaüs, à Jésus et à tous ceux de l’Oeuvre pour rendre grâce à Dieu et à Marie pour votre vie, pour avoir des frères et des soeurs comme vous. Et je renouvelle mon engagement à donner ma vie et à prier pour cette nouvelle étape que Dieu ouvre devant vous.

  • GRAZIE della vostra testimonianza…..Se oggi ci sono tanti frutti nell’Opera nel mondo, lo e’ in grande parte grazie alla vostra fedelta a GA!

    Non fatte altro che testimoniare che le parole di Gesu nel Vangelo sono vere e sono vivibile, e che quanto Chiara ci ha detto e dato non solo e’ profetico per i secoli a venire ma e’ anche la unica strada possibile per fare fronte alle sfide di oggi.
    Anche voi, come i primi cristiani, siete quel seme dove lo Spirito Santo diffonderà una nuova cultura, quella della pace e dell’unita, non solo in Siria ma in tutto il Medio Oriente.

    Mi unisco a Emmaus ,a Jesus e tutti dell-Opera nel dare grazie a Dio e a Maria per la vostra vita, per avere fratelli e sorelle come voi. E rinnovo il mio impegno nel dare la vita e nel pregare per questa nuova tappa che Dio vi apre davanti.

  • Ho letto volentieri questa notizia e mi convince la presentazione di questa comunità.
    Credo nella fede di queste persone, nell’autenticita della loro testimonianza e nel successo che continueranno ad avere restando uniti. Questa è la loro vera forza. Questa è la prima risposta da dare all’unisono alla ‘chiamata’ di Cristo.
    Ma per riuscirci anche dove c’è troppo benessere, ci vuole una guerra?

  • Sono molto felice che Maria Voce e Jesùs Moran abbiamo fatto questa visita ad una comunitá “piccola” ma sicuramente tra le piú amate da Dio!
    Grazie a questi fratelli per la loro fedeltá e perché ci danno speranza!

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