We hear from the Focolare communities, present in various cities of Ukraine. They invite us to join them in their worldwide prayer for peace every Thursday at 7.30 pm (Italian time).

“In this terrible moment, we are sustained by the faith and love that we are receiving from all over the world through messages, telephone calls and prayers. We would like to thank each and every one. They give us strength and increase the hope that God will give us the gift, the miracle of peace”. With these words Donatella Rafanelli, an Italian focolarina and a teacher, who lives in the Kiev focolare, shared how the Focolare communities in Ukraine are living this frightening time.

She continued, “In recent weeks, with the growing tension we felt we were living a truly special moment in our life, even if everyday life flowed as usual. By talking to the people around us, we realized how much fear, worry, sadness and disappointment there has been for months and which now,  with the worsening of the situation in the last few hours, is even more accentuated”.

She explained, “We too, as a community of the Movement, are certainly not immune from all this. We have wondered and continue to ask ourselves what to do in this situation. We are living this painful moment with everyone. We are aware that we cannot do extraordinary or special things, but we can listen to those around us sharing fears and concerns and try to understand, moment by moment, what is best to do “.

Yesterday, Pope Francis invited everyone, believers and non-believers, to join in a choral plea for peace by praying and fasting, especially  on 2nd March, the beginning of Lent. Together with him, other leaders of various Christian Churches are inviting people to pray to implore the gift of peace.

In the Focolare Movement around the world, the time-out for peace continues every day (at 12:00 in each time zone). It is a moment of silence and prayer for peace in every corner of the globe.

Donatella told us, “Here in Ukraine, every Thursday for a year now, at 7:30 pm (Italian time) we have a moment of prayer for peace, in Italian and Ukrainian, at this link We invite everyone to join us for this moment, which recently, has attracted many people from various countries of the world who have peace at heart”.

The focolare in Ukraine opened in Kiev in May 2019. Some Focolare communities were already present in the country. People in Ukraine had heard of the charism of unity thanks to many members of the Movement from neighbouring nations who, through visits and various contacts, had introduced this spirituality to several  cities. Today the members of the Focolare, of different ages and vocations, are present in Mukachevo, Uzhgorod, Storozhniza, Lviv, Kiev and surroundings.

Anna Lisa Innocenti


  • Viver, agir , crer e confiar que jamais o bem será vencido.As dores, o sofrimento e td que comporta ” caos”, lembremos- nos pode até levar algum tempo, mas é passageiro, enqto.que o AMOR é eterno!!!
    Estamos e somos Um na fé e oração pela paz, Luz que incendiara almas e corações à conversão. Permaneçamos com coragem na prática do amor.

  • Uno-me, nesse momento, a todos os cristãos, em especial aos nossos do Ideal de Chiara, em grandes súplicas a Deus, para que a paz Dele continue a existir na Rússia e Ucrânia!

  • We from the communities of Boston, Washington DC and Mariapolis Luminosa from the US just prayed the Rosary together for you all in Ukraine and for peace everywhere! United with you all in this insensible and immense suffering.

  • Este es el momento para usar el Santo Rosario que nuestra amada Virgen Maria nos dio en Fatima. Es el “arma” por excelencia para lograr la verdadera paz. Me uno todos los Focolares en el mundo en esta intencion por la paz.

  • Estou rezando e oferencendo pelos focolarinos, pelas focolarinas enfim todos os membros da Obra na Ucrânia. E pelo povo Que estão vivendo estes.momentos de terror da Guerra. Hj assistindo o jornal passou a sirene tocando me emocionou .

  • Qui in Suriname preghiamo per le persone, paese, autorità che sono coinvolte in questa questione da Ukraine. Chiediamo luce e pace oggi alle 19:00 ore local nesta catedrale di Paramaribo.

  • Grazie per aver condiviso con noi della comunità di Napoli questi mo.enti così difficili.Vi siamo vicini con tutto il nostro amore e le nostre preghiere.Chiediamo all’Eterno Padre per il popolo ucraino il dono della Pace,che lo Spirito Santo illumini le coscienze di quanti commettono crimini contro l’umanità

  • Grazie di queste notizie seppur brutte ma sono utili saperle per essere uniti a tutti voi,pregare e offrire tutto per tutti voi. Sempre uniti Fernando e Susy

  • My heart is on tears with this devastating news. I do feel the agoni from our people in Russia and Ucrania only God can stop this nonsense war that only create destruction. I am here with each of you to pray fasting if I can and asking God for our bothers and sisters. Sending hugs from Florida.

  • Nos unimos al ficolar uno, para pedir al Padre y a Nuestra Señora de la Paz para que apiadados por todo el pueblo ucraniano les conceda la paz duradera y a los gobernantes rusos la comprensión hacia el hermano ucraniano.

  • Grazie di queste notizie e di questa forte testimonianza. Ci uniamo alla preghiera per tutto il popolo Ucraino e perché possa la pace avere ancora l’ultima parola.

    • C’est une horreur cette situation…
      J’espère que l’Europe ne pensera que le côté économique…et que le monde aide ces malheureux. Je prie pour que Dieu les eclaires et leur montre le chemin, pour sauver nos frères.

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