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Faced with the events that have been shaking the world for days, the Political Movement for Unity, which draws its inspiration from the experience and ideals of the Focolare Movement, affirms its common commitment to peace, which can only be achieved through concrete ‘doing’.

“If you want peace, prepare for peace” are the words of Igino Giordani, a pacifist politician of the 20th century. Only a daily and multipronged peace effort can stop war. History has already declared too often that war is a crazy choice. The means of confrontation are outdated and open the way to greater insecurity, both locally and globally.

Of this we are convinced, we politicians, officials, citizens and diplomats of the Politics for Unity Movement. From all over the world we express our closeness to the peoples suffering this tragic war, while we strongly support those who, in various capacities, continue to negotiate for peace, the only true solution.

It is never too late to reopen negotiation and dialogue, in the short and long term.

May the imperative of peace guide us.

We single out these three main directions for commitment:

1 – Often the creation of nation states has not been a free choice of peoples, but the result of post-war negotiating tables, legacies of imperialisms. Old and new divisions call for a courageous political effort that gives new meaning to national identities, that challenges continental unions, first and foremost the European Union, beyond their immediate interests.

2- History teaches that economic sanctions leave governments unscathed and impoverish civil society, women, men and especially children. Syria is the latest, most serious example.

The choice of sanctions must be pursued cautiously, so that it does not become part of the logic of war and power struggles. Politics must be able to control the arms and carbon industry circuits, and only in this way can true peace be built.

3- In the face of the resurgence of nuclear weapons and their strategic enhancement, today we appeal strongly to our governments to sign and implement the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, adopted by only 122 states on 7th July 2017. The political power of the UN must be brought back into action and the voice of governments must be integrated with the voice of the cities of the earth, gathered in a special world assembly, to give more strength to our peoples.

In these times when the naked power of force seems to prevail, we do not hesitate to affirm that we still believe, and will always believe, in peacebuilding, in the processes of dialogue, in the tools of politics.

It is the components of civil society, with the spiritual and cultural strength of their faiths, and with their many good practices, that will bring to light the great ideals that sustain history.

May our representatives silence their weapons as soon as possible and listen to the women and men of peace.

Mario Bruno, president MPPU (Politics for Unity Movement)


  • Mai la violenza puo risolvere una situazione in crisi. Prego perché ci Sia il dialogo per trovare la pace tra intrambi stati. Et Che la madonna Madre e Regina Della Pacé ci assisti!

  • Chiedendo insieme a tutti il miracolo della pace.
    Chiara ci aiuti ad essere figli degni nella sua eredità a raggiungere il cuore eterno di Dio con questa pressante richiesta.

  • Creo en la paz. En la resolución pacífica de conflictos. Como todos, quiero que pare ya el dolor que ha provocado esta guerra. Nos uniremos en Quito este miércoles de ceniza para orar por la paz en mi grupo de meditación. PAZ

  • Creo en la paz. En la resolución pacífica de conflictos. Gracias por su mensaje de buena voluntad. Que pare ya el dolor producto de esta guerra. Nos uniremos en Quitp en mi grupo de meditación este miércoles para hacer una oración por la paz.

  • Let me unite my own prayers, works and sufferings toward the peace that needs to embrace everyone in the Ukraine and Russia, Poland and all the countries involved in this terrible conflict. Together with all of you who live for unity, may our appeal to Christ through His Mother for an end to these hostilities be immediate and lasting. I know the power of God, the Angels & the Saints will be available for the good of mankind, no matter how impossible the conditions at the moment.

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