Focolare Movement
Ivory Coast: EoC symposium on the gift revolution

Ivory Coast: EoC symposium on the gift revolution

On 13 April, the CERAP University Institute in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, hosted a symposium on the Economy of Communion entitled: ‘The gift revolution: a new paradigm for the African economy’. On April 13, 2024, the Cerap University Institute in Ivory Coast hosted a vibrant symposium focused on the Economy of Communion (EoC). Attended by 146 participants, primarily from the esteemed Economic Faculty of this University, the event provided a platform for stimulating discussions and fresh insights into alternative economic models. Against the backdrop of today’s prevailing economic norms, marked by a culture of consumption rather than contribution, attendees eagerly engaged with presentations from distinguished speakers. Father Bertin Dadier and Madame Julie Bodou Kone took center stage, illuminating the transformative potential of the EoC as a complementary force within our existing market framework. Their presentations delved into the foundational principles and values that underpin the EoC, fostering a deeper understanding among participants. Despite initial skepticism, robust exchanges ensued, with attendees seeking to unravel the practical implications of this innovative approach. One of the highlights of the symposium was the unveiling of the Chocomabs EoC enterprise, offering a tangible example of how these principles can be translated into action. As attendees delved into the case study, a palpable sense of enthusiasm and curiosity permeated the room, underscoring the relevance of such initiatives in today’s society. Steve William Azeumo, coordinator of Action for the Economy of Communion in Central Africa, delivered a powerful presentation. Azeumo emphasised the crucial role of incubating EdC entrepreneurs, offering convincing examples from Cameroon to illustrate his point. He also stressed the importance of fostering and promoting such enterprises in society, symbolising their importance with the seven colours of the rainbow. Looking ahead, the momentum generated by the symposium is poised to catalyze tangible change. Plans are underway to establish an EoC Club at the university, providing a platform for ongoing exploration and collaboration among the EoC Commission, students, and faculty members. In essence, the EoC symposium at Cerap served as a catalyst for dialogue, challenging conventional thinking and laying the groundwork for a more inclusive and sustainable economic future. Source: EoC