Focolare Movement
Mariapolis in Scotland: unity above all else

Mariapolis in Scotland: unity above all else

20140907-02«It was important for me to participate in the Mariapolis here in Scotland (the annual meeting of the Focolare Movement), before the referendum for independence – one of the participants wrote – I managed to listen to various points of view. I hope and pray that we can stay united in love.» It is not mentioned too often, but as far as Great Britain is concerned, the 18th of September appointment is really important: the referendum for the independence of Scotland is in fact the issue focused on by the public opinion of the over 63 million inhabitants of the United Kingdom. The “water mark” is rising, with the risk of a serious social rift. This is why the theme of mutual love appeared to the 500 participants of the Perthshire Mariapolis (Scotland) last August, as a sign of hope for their personal lives, and also for the social and political challenges the population will soon have to face. And the mix of cultures, peoples and conditions typical of society today, were represented more than ever in the Mariapolis: while standing in line at the self service for meals, you could easily run into a Cheshire magistrate, a Copto-Egyptian refugee, an agnostic eco-activist or a Scottish bishop… The daily meditation themes on evangelical love and the numberless stories and testimonials shared with openness and sincerity brought about a continual dialogue between the participants of all ages and conditions: the youth and families, children and adults, and people from different countries of the world. «One of the best things about the Mariapolis is the opportunity to be with all types of people, regardless of their ages» – said Sam (21). Also the ecumenical aspect was important thanks to the four Catholic Bishops and a Bishop of the Episcopal Church. 20140907-01«Listening to the strong testimonials of some Christians in Syria, or in the Republic of Central Africa, – said another participant –  made us one, and gave us the certainty that mutual love is the trump card to play even in the most difficult situations.  This is why none of us will easily forget the exchange of ideas on the next referendum, during meals. We parted with a decision which seemed more like a solemn pact: the shared commitment to be builders of peace and unity in our cities so that God could use us to build a new society here on earth.».

Sport and religions together for peace in the world

Sport and religions together for peace in the world


In audience with Pope Francis

“Maradona passes  … and Baggio scores!” No, it was not just nostalgia. Last night at the Stadio Olimpico in Rome, the Interfaith Match for Peace, which was the idea of Pope Francis, gave not only flashes of footballing magic, but also an unprecedented opportunity to convey a message capable of reaching dozens of countries that were linked up. “People, especially young people, look at you with admiration for your athletic ability,” the Pope said receiving in audience the athletes prior to the event, ”even through your daily attitudes, full of faith and spirituality, humanity and altruism, you can be a witness in favour of the ideals of peaceful coexistence and civil society, for the building up of a civilization based on love, solidarity and peace.” A topical message, in a time of serious tensions in many areas of the world, which well expressed the many organizations that have joined and supported the initiative, including the Focolare which in the words of Maria Voce, the current president, called it: “A valuable contribution to the formation of a new mentality, ready to welcome and dialogue. Its realization – she continued – will be a sign of hope and throw new seeds of peace into the hearts of many.” The match promoted the efforts of two organizations working in direct support of the weaker sections of society, in Europe, in South America and in the rest of the world, who gave their names to the participating teams and benefited from the collections. On the one hand Scholas Occurrentes, an educational institution promoted by the pope himself, with its headquarters at the Pontifical Academy of Sciences in the Vatican, and on the other side, the P.U.P.I. Foundation, set up by Paula and Javier Zanetti, legendary former captain of Inter Milan, champions of Europe in 2010, and also a member of the Argentinean national team. This organisation has promoted and supported adoption programs at a distance for the past ten years and has helped to relieve the different conditions of discomfort through the project  “Un’alternativa di Vita” (An option for Life), aimed at children aged 3 to 13 years living in socio-economically disadvantaged parts of the world. 20140902-02After a song performed by the Argentinean actress and singer Tini Stoessel, well known for her role as Violetta in a Disney production of that name, the competition got underway with 52 athletes, some of whom are real stars of the ball. There was the legendary Diego Armando Maradona, still able to remain on the field for 90 minutes at 53; the always-exciting touch of Roberto Baggio, who hasn’t played since May 2004, but agreed to come back for the occasion and put on his boots. On the field also Shevchenko, Trezeguet and Del Piero, unforgotten champions of Milan, first, and Juventus, as well as other players currently playing, from every corner of the globe. Also there was wide media coverage: 12 foreign TV stations present, in addition to RAI. For the record, the match ended with the result of 6-3 for the PUPI team but the real winner was the message of peace that from the Stadio Olimpico was sent all over the world: a hard game, that has just started, but that is possible to win.