Focolare Movement

Beyond our limits

Dec 1, 2024

Idea of the month - December 2024

We may feel frightened when life presents us with challenging and unexpected choices but, nonetheless, it is then that our values and the desire to live with integrity clearly emerge.

It’s not always easy. When the answer to a situation requires our free and personal choice, we may feel that we are taking a difficult gamble, almost a leap in the dark, and we need the strength to go beyond our own limits.

Where can we find the strength to do this? For some people it comes from faith in the supernatural and belief in a personal God who loves us and accompanies us. For everyone it can come from the closeness of friends, of “travel companions” who support us, trust us and who we feel are near as we journey through life. They bring out the best in us and help us overcome the apparent “impossibility” of our insufficiencies to achieve the “possible” of a coherent way of life.

This happens as a consequence of relationships that are reciprocal and impacts upon us as members of a community. As Chiara Lubich said in 1948, using language typical of the time: “Let’s go ahead! Not with our strength, petty and weak as it may be, but with the omnipotence of unity. If we remain faithful to our commitment […] the world will see unity.”[1]

Going beyond our limits opens us to new opportunities and experiences that might otherwise seem out of our reach, allowing us to believe and witness that nothing we hope for is impossible.

But is it possible to believe “that everything is possible” in the face of the absurdity of Evil? This is the great question that humanity continues toask today as it has always done in the past.The absence of response unites everyone, believers and non-believers, as they search for the answeron a journey that can only be undertaken together. Because if “Evil” remains a mystery, the force of “Good” is equally powerful. There is no answer, but a way of understanding.

Edith Bruck recalled this in a recent interview.ii She was deported to Auschwitz at the age of 13 but still today, in her nineties, is a real witness of peace. When the war ended, she and her sister were faced with a dramatic dilemma. “Five Hungarian fascists who had supported the Nazis begged us to help them return home secretly and we did so by helping them on their journey. We shared bread and chocolate with them. It was one of the most intense moments I had ever experienced spiritually. I was treating someone who could have killed my father as a friend.” The decision was not easy and she argued a lot with her sister, but they did it because they thought that perhaps, this way, these people would never mistreat a Jew again. [2]

THE IDEA OF THE MONTH is currently produced by the Focolare Movement’s “Centre for Dialogue with People of Non religious Beliefs”. It is an initiative that began in 2014 in Uruguay to share with non-believing friends the values of the Word of Life, i.e. the phrase from Scripture that members of the Movement strive to put into practice in their daily lives. Currently, THE IDEA OF THE MONTH is translated into 12 languages and distributed in more than 25 countries, with adaptations of the text according to different cultural sensitivities.

Photo: © Pixabay

[1] Chiara Lubich, “Letters of the Early Times”.
[2] Marisol Rojas Cadena SER- article on E. Bruck 26/01/2024



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