The living Gospel: choosing kindness

At the school of Jesus, we can learn to be witnesses and instruments of the Father's tender and creative love for each other. It is the birth of a new world, which heals human coexistence from the root and attracts God's presence among men, an inexhaustible source of consolation to dry every tear. ... Read More

Gospel lived: travelling companions

Just like Jesus, we too can approach our neighbour without fear and be by their side walking together through difficult and joyful times, appreciating their gifts, sharing material and spiritual goods, encouraging, giving hope and forgiving. ... Read More

Living the gospel: humility

Chiara Lubich once wrote, "To be humble does not mean only avoiding ambition; it also means being aware of one's own nothingness and to realise how small we are in front of God and thus place ourselves in his hands, like children.” ... Read More