Which culture? What unity? The idea of the newsletter is to tell the story of 12 areas of culture and their journey to seek, question and challenge one another toward a horizon of unity, following Chiara Lubich’s charism. These are Art, Education, Law, Ecology, Sports, Economics, Sociology, Medicine, Architecture, Politics, Psychology and Communication. If our planet is going through a change of era, as Pope Francis recently declared, the point of view of unity opens up new ground for these areas of culture. For many this will be unexplored and fascinating. The first issue features a number of new initiatives and the most significant events occurring in each part of culture that is “in dialogue.” ________________________________________________________ For more information: Centro per il dialogo con la Cultura (Focolare Movement) centrodialogo.cultura@focolare.org tel. +39.06.945407201 – Via Piave, 15 – 00049 Grottaferrata (Roma – Italia) Key contacts: Communion and Law – info@comunionediritto.org Economy of Communion – info@edc-online.org Social-One – info@social-one.org Eco-One – luca.fiorani@gmail.com Dialogues in Architecture – segr.architettura@focolare.org NetOne – netone@net-one.org Political Movement for Unity – info@mppu.org Psychology and Communion info@psy-com.org Health Dialogue Culture – healthdialogueculture@gmail.com Clarté – clarte.international@gmail.com Sportmeet – info@sportmeet.org EDU – pedagogia@focolare.org –
Seek what unites us
Seek what unites us