Being grateful

Asking questions and searching for the ultimate meaning of life are essential elements of what it means to be human.  This is why men and women don’t remain passive in front of all they read or see or live: in fact, songs, poetry and prayer often express whatever people feel, whether this be sad or joyful.  These are like humble declarations that blossom spontaneously as we contemplate life. They go beyond us, so to speak, and we cannot explain them.

Sometimes we cannot find an answer to the question, “What road should men and women follow on earth?” A thought taken from Martin Heidegger may enlighten us, "Our greatness is measured by what we seek and the insistence with which we continue to search."        

So, to persevere in searching and to maintain this attitude, to try to understand how to live and to give full meaning to daily life has a common basis that is shared by all people, whether of religious or non-religious beliefs:  it is an intimate spiritual dimension.

We have experienced this every time a song, a poem or a piece writing has raised our spirits and was the catalyst for a new inspiration in our hearts.  We may have felt the desire to love others and help those who are suffering or are in difficulty in practical ways; we may have felt the desire to fight or pray for the peace and unity of all peoples, or we may have wanted to improve life in the area where we live by building relationships that benefit everyone.

If we set out on this road, together, our actions will bear fruit and we will be filled with a sense of gratitude for the love that freely circulates among us.  What we do will help to build a new social and spiritual reality in the little piece of the world wherever we live.

Yes, we sense pure gratitude if we look with humility at what is happening around us and appreciate those who freely share their talents and expect nothing in return.

This attitude will help us not to remain closed in our own worlds and it will enable us to make love circulate among us and create relationships of deep sharing and common interest that will endure over time. And we will see our lives filled with meaning.


THE IDEA OF THE MONTH, based on the Word of Life of the Focolare Movement, was born in Uruguay as part of the dialogue between people of different convictions, whose motto is "building dialogue". The purpose of this publication is to help promote the ideal of universal fraternity.  The IDEA OF THE MONTH is currently translated into 12 languages and distributed in more than 25 countries

ITA-0923-Idea del Mese.pdfDownload
ING-0923-Idea del Mese.pdfDownload
FRA-0923-Idea del Mese.pdfDownload
ESP-0923-Idea del Mese.pdfDownload
POR-0923-Idea del Mese.pdfDownload
IDEA OF THE MONTH - September 2023

1 Comment

  • Interesante, para ponerlo en práctica en la verdad da cotidiana, felicidades hay muchas verdades de las que aveces carecemos los seres humanos, me encanta la gratitud es muy importante para mí ser agradecida en cada mes mento con Dios y con todo los se nos da gratuitamente.

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