
Jesús Morán Cepedano was elected co-president of the Focolare Movement on 13 September 2014, by the General Assembly convened at the Mariapolis Centre of Castel Gandolfo, Rome.

He was born on 25 December 1957 in Navalperales de Pinares, Avila (Spain), of a merchant family that soon moved to Cercedilla, on the Sierra of Madrid.

Shortly after beginning university he met the Gospel message brought by the Focolare Movement through the witness of some of his peers. He immediately threw himself into this new experience and the revolutionary demands that the life of the Gospel entails. He decided to give himself to God in the Focolare community in 1977. After a training period between 1979-1981 in Loppiano, Italy, he crossed the ocean to South America. From 1996 to 2004 he was the delegate of the Focolare Movement in Chile and Bolivia. He was ordained a priest there on 21 December 2002. From 2004 to 2008 he was co-responsible for the movement in Mexico and Cuba.

In the General Assembly of the Focolare Movement in 2008 he was elected general councillor and given responsibility for the cultural formation of the members of the Movement. In 2009 he became part of the "Abba School ", the Focolare Movement’s interdisciplinary study centre, for his expertise in theological anthropology and moral theology.

He has a degree in philosophy from the Autonoma University of Madrid and a licence in dogmatic theology from the Pontifical Catholic University of Santiago of Chile. He is currently completing his doctorate in theology at the Pontifical Lateran University in Rome.

He has contributed articles to various periodicals in Spain, Chile, Mexico and Italy.


  • Jesús Morán , quiero darle las gracias, porque fue mi profesor, mi nombre es Daniela Castillo, yo fui una niña con alta empatía y sensibilidad , muy solitaria, por eso habian niños que no me integraban, en Santiago de Chile, usted intervino en mi vida y con los otros niños, asi logró mi integración, simplemente, ya que se me hacia dificil, porque era una niña diferente, le doy mil gracias. Dios lo bendiga , paso por mi vida , dejando una hermosa huella.

  • Recién participe de la Conversación de Jesús Moran , la Cultura del Cuidado. Muchas Gracias Jesús!!
    Hay algo especial que me ha hecho pensar .
    El contó que ” No tengo tiempo” , en relación al relato del Buen Samaritano , en donde una persona le da tiempo.
    Y luego de escuchar todo su tema, y con todo el respeto que se merece, Creo que el Eterno Padre lo invita a Dar más de su tiempo para vivir a fondo y de verdad., El Cuidado que el propone.
    Delegar otros aspectos quizá y vivir de lleno este, junto a toda la Obra.
    Solo así la exposición es creíble, por qué sera vida.

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